Emergency food care

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Aether POV:
When I woke up Xiao was nowhere to be seen and Paimon was still asleep, I looked around but soon came to the realization he was probably defeating demons. As expected I was right, he appeared in the room again in a shady mist that soon vanished as he walked closer to me. I was still sitting on the bed and he climbed over to me to lay his head on my lap. I knew something was up because there was no way he would willingly lay on my lap with no hesitation, still I allowed it since he was so fucking adorable. After a little I heard his breathing calm and I realized he was asleep. I tried to relax myself, so I wouldn't wake him up but eventually got bored. I gently moved my hand over to his hair and stroked it, I could tell I had woken him but he didn't move he just laid there allowing me to stroke his hair. After I played with his hair for a little while he rose up and looked down, avoiding eye contact while he spoke.
"sorry, I was just tired.."
"I hope you're tired more often then"
He looked over at me with confusion
"Nonsense, you know people need saving"
"And you need rest"
I put my finger to his soft lips, silencing him and letting him know that this argument was over.
We both paused what we were doing when Paimon awoke to a coughing fit.
-"ughh travelerrrr Paimon doesn't feel so good.."
"Hm, let's see here"
I walked over to Paimon and placed the back of my hand on her forehead
"ah- Paimon uh you have a fever.. that means no going out until you're better"
-"awhh that's no fair!!"
"Shh rest, Uh Xiao could you go find somewhere to get Paimon some medicine?"
"yes, I'll be back soon"
He left the inn and went to go look for a shop that sold medicine"

Xiao POV:

I walked down the street of Inazuma, glancing at the many shops aligned on each side of the pathway. There was a book shop and a produce shop.. also a shop that uh didn't look like it was a shop at all. I walked closer, there was a table set up and a tall muscular man stood by it, he had long white hair that appeared to be matted, and two red horns. On the other side of the table was another man, though this one had blue hair and a mole above his lip apparently I had gotten too close into their line of view.
"Hey bro! I haven't seen you around, are ya new? Wanna onikabuto beetle battle!? Come onn it's funn!!"
"No thanks"
The white haired man approached me and extended his hand, I shook it after hesitation.
"I'm Arataki Itto, what about you bro?"
"Adeptus Xiao, I'm just trying to find some medicine"
"Oh cool, here I'll show you the way! Be right back Ayato my dude"
I really wanted this man to leave me alone, I could've found medicine myself but I didn't feel like telling him to get lost, so I allowed him to show me the way
"Here you are! So uh who're shoppin for?"
"My uh.. boyfriend's ...fairy..?"
What even was that thing anyway? A fairy I think.. is he even my boyfriend.. uhh whatever
"Oh cool! So you're one of them skittle squad dudes, yeah!?"
"Excuse me..?"
He laughed his head off even though nothing seemed funny to me
"Me too bro it's alright! My boyfriend Gorou is at work right now, we should be friends! And then you could meet Gorou and I can meet your boyfriend, yeah!?"
I grabbed the medicine for Paimon and paid for it
"Thanks for showing me the way"
"No problem-o! Cya around homie!"
I'm not even surprised that guy is gay..

Aether POV:

I was getting kind of tired of keeping track of Paimon's fever, but thankfully Xiao arrived with the medicine right before I had the urge to quit.
"Here, is this fine?"
"Yeah, thank you"
I poured some medicine into a spoon for Paimon.
"Hey Paimon medicine time"
-"ughh finee..."
She drank the medicine and laid back down, squinting her face in disgust
I got up and put a damp towel on her head to get rid of her fever, then decided to cuddle up with Xiao until I had to check her temperature again.

(I don't remember when I posted the last chapter and I'm too lazy to check but sorry if it's been a while I blame it completely on my laziness 😘)

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