Liyue Qixing's secretary

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Aether POV:

We sat in the small office room while Xiao and Zhongli talked. It was pretty quiet besides their voices going back and forth in their conversation, that was until they paused due to a firm knock at the door. Zhongli stood up from his chair and walked over to the door.
"One moment, Xiao"
He cracked the door open to see who it was, then his face got a slight tint of red, and a whole lot more serious.
"not right now...I have guests"
"fine, I'll just wait outside then, dying of boredom"
He shut the door in the person's face then looked back at us with a forced smile.
"Ahah- my apologies, where were we?"
"Morax, who was that?"
"Nobody important"
He sat down and Xiao decided he didn't care too much of the person's identity, so they went back to talking.
While they talked, so many topics came up, but one in particular interested me.
"Aether, did you happen to know Xiao here is the last remaining Yaksha?"
My jaw dropped, I've heard of the Yakshas before but I would've never guessed Xiao was the last one, or one in general.
"When I first found him he was so miserable and lonely, abused and left to die. I took him in, trained him, named him, and practically made him my son."
-"ohh so that's why you two are close!"
"Yes, he's very dear to me. Almost like he's my own"
"Morax, I-"
The door opened and we all turned around, a man with ginger hair and ocean blue eyes stood in the door way.
"Chill, you're the rude one, first you slam the door in my face, then you force me to wait.. where's my apology?"
"I'm sorry"
He laughed then looked over at me.
"I'm afraid we haven't met, I'm Childe, and you are?"
He extended his hand out to me and I shook it.
"Aether, nice to meet you, this is Paimon"
"Aether huh? Interesting, Paimon's a cool name too, oh emo looking kid! What's your name again, uhh I don't remember ever learning it"
"This is Xiao, please excuse me everyone, Childe and I are gonna have a talk outside."
The two men stepped outside, I heard bickering through the door, clearly Xiao did too because I heard him mutter something under his breath.
"..stupid ginger" (not insulting gingers, just Childe 😭)
"Xiao? Is everything alright?"
"Huh..? Why wouldn't it be?"
"Uh-'s nothing"
The door opened and Zhongli stepped in, but before he could close the door Childe shouted to him
"Bye babe!"
He looked down, avoiding eye contact as he slammed the door shut and sat back down. We all stared in shock
"please..lower you voice."
"uh... So you and Childe are..?"
"dating, yes. A pain, really.. though the mora does come in handy"
Xiao shook his head
"why didn't you just tell me"
We all calmed down and listened while Zhongli explained his relationship, then asked about Ganyu before we left.
"Ganyu.. hmm she as a secretary for the Liyue Qixing.. check Yuehai Pavilion"
We left the funeral parlour and started to walk in the direction of Yujing Terrace.
When we arrived to the huge building, we were greeted by a girl with purple hair, which was shaped into two ears at the top of her head.
"State your reasoning for being here"
-"We're here to see Ganyu!"
"You haven't even met her yet Paimon.."
"I'll go get her, please wait here..oh and I'm Keqing"
She walked off into the building and came back with a long woman, with blue hair, horns, and a slightly chubby figure.
"Greetings..uh-you wanted to see me, correct?..oh Conqueror of Demons it's you"
"Greetings Ganyu, I assume you've been practicing you're training"
"Oh uh yes, well I try but you see.. I have to work and-"
"It's alright, just train when you have time"
-"ohh that's why you wanted to see Ganyu, Paimon gets it now"
"Fairwell, we'll be on our way. Sorry for the interruption"
We walked down the staircase to get back to the main street of Liyue Harbor.
"Morax should be finished with work by now, I'll ask if we could stay at his home"
"O-okay sounds good"
We went back to the funeral parlour and caught up to Zhongli just as he was leaving, which allowed Xiao a chance to ask him.
"Sure, the more the merrier.. I think that's what folk say now..."
Zhongli brought us to his home and showed us to the guest room, it had two queen sized beds and a couch that opened up to be another bed. Paimon called the couch because she thought it was cool, so Xiao and I each got a bed to ourselves. How did Zhongli even afford this house? ..oh right..Childe.

(Fun fact, I wrote this while hiding in the bathroom at my school 🥳)

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