Part 5

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All people living in gusu know that today is a special day . All the sect leader of major clan have come to gusu . This never happens unless it's the monthly meeting with sect or something major happened. So they knew that today is the special day .

"Second young master wen, today they are holding meeting between some specific people, do you think it has to do something with stygian iron"

" What nonsense you are saying, do you think that gusu will tell their secrets to other sect that easily.... What they having meeting for is not important to me ... We have to do our work as father have told us ,so don't waste my time and ask Wen Qing about her work "

On the other side in meeting room Lan Qiren , sect leader Jiang , madam yu , madam Jin, sect leader Nie , Jin Zixuan , Jiang Yanli and Nie Huaisang was present.

"Master Lan , with due respect can you tell us the motive behind this meeting."
Madam Yu inquired. You could see it on her face that she was not happy to be their without knowing the purpose.

Madam Yu , Lan Xichen want to have this meeting to be held, he didn't tell me the purpose but I knew him , if he want you all to be present here then it must be important " master Lan replied but inside he was also dieing to know what happening. Frist Wei Wuxian and now Jiang Cheng they both have bonded with his nephews. He Frist was against the idea of Wei Wuxian befriending Lan Wangji but he could tell that Wangji feels lonely even if he don't show his feelings so maybe he can let this slide but if he ever catch Wei Wuxian hurting Lan Wangji then he is not gonna let this  boy live. And about Jiang Cheng he also like that kid even if he have some anger issue, he have strong leadership and he never use his power for showing others down but he doesn't know how to react on this friendship btw Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen.

Inside Lan Xichen room

"It's time for the meeting, let leave" Lan Xichen said after noticing that the sun was going down.

" Jiang Cheng, I know it hurts you alot when we all left you alone but I will promise you , you will not be alone this time , you will always have me and young master Lan and lan zhan with you. You don't have to carry burden alone WE don't have to carry our burden alone, right lan zhan ."

" Mn, gege Wangji is here "

Lan Xichen know his brother find hard to present his feelings but Wangji calling him gege is a way of showing how much he meant his words. Lan Xichen couldn't control himself and hugged his little brother. Today he show that little Wangji again who was so excited to meet his mother and show her how much new things he have studied. When they have lose their mother Wangji use to wait outside of their mother room and he use to go straight to uncle and tell him so that he could make Wangji understand that their mother will never meet them again. He always thought why didn't I just hug Wangji and let him cry on my shoulder. But now he understands, he was also somewhere hoping that their mother will open the door and tell them that she is there for her children.

'but it's okay now mother we are here for each other and this time no one will lose their love ones'

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