Chapter Six: Chipping Away

Start from the beginning

    Something just isn't right. There's no reason for Alex Carter, boss from hell, to forgive me. Is he guilty about the hickey? I shake my head. Alex seemed adamant of his own innocence. He was acting weird when he told me he saw the doll in two different places...not to mention the leeches. Maybe he's starting to understand how I could think something that didn't happen...did. Still, It's strange that he hired me after knowing how things ended with Bryce. He's not telling me everything. Twenty minutes later, Alex comes back downstairs, laying out a blanket on the loveseat he occupied earlier. "What are you doing?" I ask. "What does it look like I'm doing?" He replies, "I'm going to bed."
"Here?" I ask. Alex frowns, hands on his hips. "Do you expect me to leave you alone after hurting yourself this evening?" He demands. "Honestly?" I laugh, "Yes." My truthful answer earns a scowl. It starts raining again as Alex sits down on the loveseat. I can hear the water's steady tapping against the roof. "And you inferred I didn't have a heart." Alex sighs. I can't help myself. I have to answer. "Did I say that?" I ask, faking confusion, "No, I wouldn't dare. Not to the man that's responsible for my paycheck." I hear him grunt in disbelief  as he tries to make himself comfortable on the small couch. No heart? That isn't true. He's down here keeping me company. He has a heart, well– at least half of one.

    "That's a mighty big bump you have there, Miss Stacey." Wally shakes his head in dismay as I try to pay for the groceries Alex ordered me to buy. Chuck has his hip against the counter. He looks me over as he finishes checking out at the register. "I heard you were in an accident." He says and turns to face me, but his eyes drift to Alex, who's skimming through a Forbes magazine, a look of disdain on his face. "All the magazines here are a year old?" Alex asks. He tosses the business magazine down when a wheelchair blocks his path to the register. "The hunting magazines are all up to date. We don't get many suits such as yourself out here." Zachary replies. "Mr. Caldwell." Alex sighs, a hint of a smile on his face. "I told you– call me Zachary." Alex gives a slight nod, making his way around the chair-bound proprietor, when the door gives a jingle. "Hi, Sheriff Caldwell." Wally calls out. He waves at the sheriff, who stops in front of me. I catch a whiff of coffee on his breath. "You doing okay?" Sheriff Caldwell asks me. Hands on his hips, he pushes his jacket back, displaying his gun and holster. I nod, "Yes, thank you for asing. Just a small headache to remind me of yesterday."
"You got lucky. I hope you know that. Car accidents can end much worse than that." Sheriff Caldwell says and turns to look at his brother Zachary. "I can feel your eyes on me, Dan." Zachary huffs. "So it wasn't brakes or anything, was it?" Chuck asks. His eyes stay trained on Alex, who's now pursuing the different brands of gum. "Are you asking if someone messed with the breaks?" Wally asks curiously. "Why else would her car skid like that?" Chuck demands. Sheriff Caldwell steps in before I can answer. "There was no foul play involved, Chuck. Don't go spreading any wild rumors about this." He says, "It raines last night and the car skidded on the wet pavement. Nothing more. Nothing less." Chuck's eyes narrow. "Are you making me out as some kind of gossip, Dan?" He asks, crossing his arms in indignation. "Becuase you're dating one of those Marias, and all three of those women are notorious gossips." Sheriff Caldwell replies. Chuck mutters something as Wally absently brings up the cabin. "Well, that place does have a lot of history around these parts." He says. "History?" I ask. I thought Wally was talking about something else, but the tense silence clears away all doubt. The murder of Sheriff Dan's daughter– Charlotte. Or at least, that's what everyone else is thinking about. Especially Sheriff Dan, who shoots Wally a cautionary glare.

"That's right." Alex pipes up, coming to stand behind me. "People were murdered in that cabin we're staying in. It's still an unsolved case." He looks at Dan, "Isn't that right, Sheriff?" Sheriff Dan shakes his head. "No. We know who murdered Charlotte that night." Alex raises a brow. "But wasn't there more than one murder?" He asks. Wally continues bagging my groceries. "I guess some murders just aren't as important as others." Alex adds, then nods farewell to the Sheriff as he exits the store, the bell ringing with his departure. "Sorry about that." I sigh. I pick up the groceries and follow Alex to his car. He's waiting for me to put the bags in the trunk. Once I'm in the car, I can't help but ask– "Mr. Carter, who else was murdered in that home?" He doesn't answer at first. He presses the gas, kicking up pebbles and dirt behind us.

We pass rows of dew-covered trees, crossing the wooden bridge that leads to the cabin. I figure I'm not going ot get an answer when he finally parks the car in front of the cabin. Alex leans against the steering wheel. "There's an important reason I bought this cabin." He says. I play with my fingers in my lap as I watit for him to continue. Bryce used to do this all the time. He wouldn't answer my questions, as though they weren't important to answer, or just forgot about me entirely. I sigh and open the door when he finally speaks. "My parents said I was crazy for buying this place. They said I should just let it go."
"Let what go?" I ask. "The past. But I can't. For better or worse, whatever happened here years ago helped shape me into who I am today." I narrow my brows in confusion. "You're a rich and successful businessman. Shouldn't you be grateful?" I ask, steeling a glance at  my boss as I slap a hand over my mouth for the second time today. He sighs, "That doesn't stop the questions from coming."
"What questions?" I ask. Alex doesn't look at me, just out at the cabin. "I need to know the truth about this place– what really happened that night." He says. "Why?" I ask. Again, he doesn't answer. Alex exits the car as I rush to get the groceries and follow him inside. "Mr. Carter, if you need me to help you...please let me know." I say as I enter the house. I watch as he takes in my shabby appearance, topped off with a bruised forehead. A corner of his mouth lifts. "Of course you will. You'll do anything I say, won't you?" He laughs. "Excuse me?" I gasp. "You're my personal assistant, Stacey. It's what I pay you to do." He sighs. Oh yeah, how could I forget? Still, he seems a little too possessive. "Yeah, you're right." I sigh. "There is actually something I need you to do." Alex says. "Alex points to the clipboard on the table." I reply. He rolls his eyes, "I went through the list of belongings Wally stored in the shed and highlighted the items I want you to retrieve for me." He says, "Gather them within the hour." I pick up the list from the coffee table. Picture albums, family movies, and a diary are all that's highlighted. "Is this all you need, sir?" I ask curiously. He nods, "For now, yes. Hopefully they'll have some clues for me."
"Why do you care what happened so long ago, anyways?" I ask, tucking the clipboard under my arm. I bite my lip at his annoyed expression before continuing. "I only ask because maybe it'll hemp me understand, so I can do a better job of helping you." I explain. "Your paycheck should be motivation enough." Alex replies. Dick. "Of course." I nod. I feel heat rising in my cheeks. "Your emotions are written all over your face." Alex sighs, "Did I hurt your feelings again?" I shrug, "Do you care?" Alex shakes his head, "Not particularly." I nod, "Then let's not focus on me. I'll try my best to help you figure out what happened. I'll start working on the list." I leave Alex alone in the living room of the cabin.


    I glance down at the rag doll, picking it up from the coffee table where I left it. "I'll find out the truth..." A tinkling of laughter fills the air as I turn the doll over, staring into its button eyes. "I'll find out what really happened to you, Charlotte. As your brother– it's the least I can do."

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