Chapter 8

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This is what he always wanted, right? To have a forever lover, to be in peace, to never have to worry about anything anymore...

But why does he feel so guilty? The karma he has endured for thousands of centuries, gone just like that? He has no right to feel so happy, does he?

He sneaks a glance at HuTao from across the table, smiling at her ever so slightly as she dug into her Almond Tofu.

He then realized that ever since he met HuTao, his heart soften and his karma keeps sliding out of his mind. He started becoming weak, he started killing fewer demons to spend more time with HuTao.

Now, if the Traveler was in trouble, they can choose to either call HuTao or Xiao, although it wouldn't matter because they both would appear before the Traveler, one on top of the other.

Xiao and HuTao were like a package deal, if you see one of them walking in the streets of Liyue, there is sure to be the other tagging beside them.

None of them planned on marrying each other because what was the point? They both already love each other so dearly, why would they want rings to determine it's official?
HuTao also jokingly said that too many rings on her fingers will make it hard to hold her staff and fight.

So what now? What would couples do now? Buy a house?
Well, buying a house sure will make their lives easier, because they definitely shouldn't stay at Wangshu Inn for the rest of their eternity.

But the thing is, Xiao doesn't have a job and he feels guilty about having to make HuTao buy a house with only her money.
HuTao is pretty wealthy, but Xiao doesn't want to trouble her, especially when her business went slightly downhill when Bubu Pharmacy found a new medicine that could cure even a common flu.

Besides that, HuTao also got a new outfit to match her new staff and reputation as a new adepti. The outfit full of jewels cost her a fortune even with a discount, but HuTao claimed that it was fairly necessary because "having a fashion sense is just as important as having common sense".

HuTao's new outfit is a red, short skirt and one-sleeved HanFu dress with lots of matching red and black jewelry. She even customed the same shoulder accessory as Xiao on her right shoulder. HuTao still kept her hat untouched.

(I'll try my best to post a picture of her new outfit.)

Her hair styled changed along with her outfit. Now, her hair flows until her neck although her bangs stayed the same length. Sadly, her bangs covered the purple diamond mark on her forehead and she can't do anything about it.
Xiao told her to cut her side bangs to be as short as her back hair but she spat that he "has no right to tell her how to cut her hair when his hair looks like it got cut by a rusty kitchen scissor". Ouch.

HuTao begged Xiao to change his hairstyle too because he would look so much better in long hair, but Xiao wouldn't listen to her because he likes his current hair which he regularly and embarrassingly cut with his staff.
It's the thought that counts, right?

HuTao was desperate to stop Xiao from cutting his beautiful green hair to the point she would seize his staff when he tried to cut it. Finally, Xiao gave up, HuTao was blooming and started recommending all the different hairstyles he should style it when he grew his hair out.
Starting with a man bun to a high ponytail.

Though Xiao wasn't very excited about growing his hair out, the thought of having long hair like Morax made him a little pumped.

It was already two months since HuTao urged Xiao to grow his hair and now the tip of his hair is already touching his shoulders. Nowadays he had to tie it into a little low ponytail so it wouldn't distract him in fights.

Some friends would tease about how HuTao and Xiao "switched haircuts", as Xiao used to have short hair and HuTao used to have long hair.
They all laughed.
Though sometimes their friends would take their friendly insults too far and starts teasing about how HuTao would "top" Xiao.

HuTao would blush profusely but unknowingly Xiao would just look at them innocently with starry eyes.

Now we're back to the present.
Xiao closes his eyes in thought. He doesn't even have a job! How heartless and lazy is he to let his girlfriend do all the work?

He needs to find a job to release that burden ASAP, and for the first time, he's the one going to the Traveler for help.

"Would you join me to the immortal life?" HuTao x Xiao love story (HuXiao)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن