Chapter 3

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"Ohoho? What might brings the big and mighty Adeptus here?"

Hand behind her back, she smirked and gazed into his eyes.
Although she is a few centimeters shorter than Xiao, she loves to tease him about his height.

'Too close...'
He thought.

"Is Mr Zhongli here?"

"Ah, you mean Rex Lapis?"

"How did you-"

"I mean, duh, it was pretty obvious. Osmamthus wine is extinct in the modern time, the tip of his hair glows gold when he was embarrassed or surprised, the geo symbol is in his eyes and on top of that, an Adeptus visits him every month. Old man needs to work on a better disguise."

She giggled and marched off to Zhongli, who was sipping tea peacefully.


"What is it, Director Hu?"
Although he sounds bored, the tip of his hair glows a faint yellow.

"Xiao has come to find you."

Zhongli turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"Have a seat, Adeptus. Director Hu, if you don't mind?"

"Not at all, not at all!"

She walked out of the room and shut the door behind her.

Xiao took his seat in front of Zhongli and began to talk.
Zhongli listen, slightly surprised.

"I see, if that's how much you love her and that's the risk you are willing to take, I would be happy to help in any way. But injecting the blood of an Archon into a mortal is a terriblely risky task. The mortal might experience horrible backlash and it might cause a painful death. Are you willing to take the risk?"

Xiao hesitated.
He was willing to do anything to live with his one and only lover forever, but the thought of HuTao dying attempting to become immortal is something he couldn't bear.

Zhongli began.
"You become a mortal and live with HuTao for the next few years and perish happily together of old age. The risk is far more lower than the other way around."

Xiao sighed.
"I will..."

"Would you join me to the immortal life?" HuTao x Xiao love story (HuXiao)Where stories live. Discover now