Chapter 5

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"What in the- WOAH-"

"Stay calm HuTao. You control the fire, not the fire control you."

HuTao screamed as her sleeve caught on fire.

"Maybe we just do something more simple. Try summoning your mask. Every yaksha has a mask of their own."
Xiao waved his own mask and smiled.

"How the hell am I gonna do that?! I don't know what to do!"

"Just like this. Imagine a mask on your face. You know how the mask looks like, you feel the mask on your face. Then yo- Ah, there you go."

Hutao's hair floats ever so slightly as a mask covers her face.

HuTao copied Xiao's pose.

"Grrrr- Evil concouring!"
HuTao yelled and laughed, not realising her staff on fire.

"HuTao, your staff."

Hutao looked down and realised her staff was enchanted with black and red flames, she yelps and dropped it.

"Why did you- I thought you were used to your staff on fire?"

"On fire, not on what ever that is!"
She pointed at her staff, which is slowly melting in the fire.

"Oh dear lord, your old staff can't handle the power of a yaksha. We have to forge you a new one."

"Aw man, I liked this one!"

"Your staff needs to have this rare mineral enchanted in it. Look, it looks like crystals. Originally the colour is black, but once paired with a yaksha, it's colour will change bases on their element. Like mine, it turned green the moment it was paired with me."

Xiao whipped out his own staff and let Hutao examinate it.

"Wow, this is lighter than mine!"
HuTao swing it around and tested it's weigh.

"Enough. Now we shall meet the weapon smith. Her name is JiaXing, if I'm not mistaken. Here."

Xiao bowed on one knee and signal HuTao to get on his back. Slightly embarrassed, HuTao got on and hugged his chest tightly.

"Dear 7 archons, you're heavy like a boulder."
Xiao mumbled.


Using his swiftness, Xiao ran across Liyue in a blink of an eye. HuTao, arms and legs wrapped tightly around Xiao and head burried in his back, too scared to look up, let out a muffled scream.

"We're here. Off."

HuTao landed on the solid concrete with a small "oof".

"I thought I was going to die... Woah!"

HuTao's scanned her surroundings and laid eyes on the most gorgeous woman she have ever seen.

She has long black hair with dirty blonde highlights tied into a bun by a nail and lovely rose red eyes hidden under golden coloured goggles. Her long bangs was pinned to the side of her head and she was wearing what looks like a black wrap dress under her dirty white apron. Her arms was full of scars and ashes and so did her bare legs.

"Ah, Xiao! And you're..?"

"She's HuTao, the new pyro yaksha. Can whip up a new weapon for her?"

"Pyro yaksha?! Oh jeez I was not expecti- I'm sorry- Let me just-"
JiaXing nervously stuttered as she rummained through the front pockets of her apron.

"She's a huge fan of the pyro yaksha."
Xiao whispered to Hutao.

"There you are! P-please sign your name here!"
Her shaky hands handed HuTao the clipboard she pulled out.

"Oh and here too, if you don't mind..."
She blushed and held out a poster showing the past pyro yaksha.

HuTao grinned as she signed.
"Ohoho, what an adorable fan of mine!"

JiaXing blushed madly as she took back her autograph.

"Ehem, the weapon please?"
Xiao asked in an annoyed voice.

"A jealous one aren't you?"
HuTao giggled.

"Oh, you two are like, together and stuff? Sorry Adeptus Xiao."
JiaXing mumbled almost sarcastically.

"Now, Lady HuTao, what weapon do you normally use?"

"I used to use a polearm called Staff of Homa. My signature weapon."
HuTao laughed, feeling embarrassed of being addressed so formally from someone other than ZhongLi.

"Ah, you loose your HP constantly while using your burst, is it? Like Xiao? I have exactly the polearm for you. I have been designing it for a long time, waiting for the opportunity to use it. I just need the XiāngMěiLü crystal. I believe there was some extras from when I carved Xiao's weapon so not to worry. It will take about...
One day or so since it doesn't include the time spent for designing."

"Oh, how much will it be then?"
HuTao nervously battered her eyelash, knowing that she haven't got any money with her, let alone in her bank account.

"Compleeeetteeeeellyyyyyy freeeeeee~! Lady HuTao!"
JiaXing clasp her hands and chipped happily.

"Wait a minute last time I was here I was charged 1 million Mora!"
Xiao began.

"Oh hush hush Xiao she can have it for free!"
JiaXing laughed.

"No respect for the Adepti..."

"Anyway, toodaloo, gotta work on it now."
JiaXing shut herself inside of her cottage and loud banging and crashing noises can be heard.

"Wanna eat share a plate of almond tofu in WangShu Inn?"

"No, we train."

After hours and hours has passed, they finally decided to settle down in WangShu Inn.

Goldet stretched her red lips into a big smile as she saw the couple approaching.

"One room for two, yes?"


"Here's your key. This is an inn, not a hotel so keep clean."

Xiao had plenty of sleepovers with HuTao so sleeping in the same bed isn't something embarassing, but this peculiar night he starts to feel a tad bit shy.

"Ooh they have pajamas in here! How cute! We can match these unicorn ones!"
HuTao giggled as she pulled a pair of pajamas.

"Just take the striped ones."
Xiao sighed as he laid himself on the bed.

"Oh, are you shy? Don't worry, no-one will sneak a peek of you in these adorable pjs in the middle of the night. Come on!"

She tossed Xiao a pair without saying another word and rushed to put hers on in the bathroom.

Glaring at his pajamas like a wad of used gum, he gave in and put it on.

"You done?"


HuTao open the bathroom door and gasped.

"Aww Aren't you a cute little muffin!"

"Would you join me to the immortal life?" HuTao x Xiao love story (HuXiao)Where stories live. Discover now