Chapter 1 <3

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• Monday, May 14th 2022 •

I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring, quickly putting an end to my dream.

I grab my phone and immediately notice the time seeing that its 7:30am. My appointment is at 9:10, so I should have enough time to get ready and be there by 9:00.

I get up out of bed, and walk into the bathroom. I start the shower and wait for it's temperature to rise.

As I took my shirt off, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Man, I really need to look into working out sometime.

I'm quickly torn from my thoughts when the rest of the mirror becomes submerged in steam

I undress the rest of myself, and step into the shower. I shampoo my hair and wash my body and by the time i'm out, its 7:45am.

After my hair was dry, I brushed my teeth and headed out to go into my closet.

I threw on a black t-shirt, grey sweatpants, some socks and some black high top converse. They'll have an outfit ready for me there anyways, so there's no point in dressing up.

I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone and headed out the door.

The cold and muggy air hit my face and sent goosebumps gliding across my arms. I should've brought a jacket or a sweatshirt. I thought to myself.


I pulled into the parking lot of the building we were shooting at today.

I walked through the door and was greeted by one of my parent's assistants, Amelia.

Amelia has been my parents assistant for 3 years now. Shes the same age as me, she's blonde, snd around 5'5 if I had to take a guess. She's often called 'Miss Perfect' since she's a typical blue eyed blondie.

Fans and people on social media often ship her and I. Even worse, my parents are one of those people. They think it'll give me more income and popularity if I would date her, which i quickly declined.

It is obvious she likes me. She greets me every morning right when I walk in the door, and does whatever she can to run my shoots and choose my clothing for them. She always offers to hang out or do something, to which I always have to make an excuse to.

My train of thought is broken when all of a sudden i hear "Um hello? George? You there" I notice Amelia's hand infront of my face, going side to side.

"Yes, sorry I spaced out" I replied with, slightly embarrassed how I let that happen so easily. Why can't I be like her and be social? I'm so awkward.

"Oh it's quite alright! Your shoot is in room 267, Ryan will meet you there." She gives me a key with a smile.

"Okay, thanks" I say, taking the key and turning around, walking towards the elevator.

I click floor 3 and wait for the rest of the people in the elevator to step off onto their floor.

When my floor comes, I step off and am greeted with room 267. I stick the key into the keyhole and walk in.

Ryan walks up to me, and gives me the directions and clothing.

I head into the closet with the clothes and accessories in hand. I turn around and lock the door and then start to look around the closet.

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