"Green peppermint spray?" I repeat unsurely.

"Yes, it's nasty ian gone lie to you but it's worth it. You gotta go through the smoke shop and ask Logan to let you in the back. It helped me so much when I was preggers." She explains.

"I'ma make my cousin drive me there when I feel better. This is the pits, feel like I got the Rona." I sigh.

"Mmhm, them first few months the worst girl I feel you. Lemme know if you need sum, I gotchu." She says.

"Aww thank youuu. I gotta go lock my front door real quick tho. I'll call you back tomorrow, goodnight." I stand up.

"Oh okay, I'm getting tired anyway, goodnight Spirit." She hangs up.

I unplug my phone and turn it off. It's hot which is worrying. I walk up to Soul's room and lay on his bed. While he's in the shower I unlock his phone.

His whole phone just got pictures of us. I'm his only contact so he don't text or call nb. All he got is TikTok and games, it's not cuz the phone's new, he just doesn't use social media.

The door opens and he walks in a towel. He looks at me then adverts his vision elsewhere.

"Soul." I stare as he goes in his dresser.

"Spirit." He drops his towel and grabs sum drawls.

Lawd why this boy ass so round and chocolate. I wanna take a bite outta him like an Oreo. I mean that both figuratively and literally.

"You should let me eat cho ass." I suggest.

"No you damn booty bandit." He gets his drawls on and goes back in the bathroom.

"I'm so very serious, I let you fuck me in my ass so you should let me eat yours. You know nigga's g-spots in they booty. Why the fuck you think gay men be so damn happy?" I smack my teeth.

"No. No. No." He repeats.

I gag, sitting up. I cover my mouth and run to his bathroom. I lift the toilet seat up and puke into the bowl. He squats down next to me and holds my hair up.

"You sound like a monster." He says while patting my back.

" He says while patting my back

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"Oh my Goddddd Soul get this demon out of meeee." Spirit cries hysterically on my lap while I stroke my fingers through her hair.

"I can't Spirit I'm sorry." I sigh.

"Everything hurtsssaaaaa!" She sobs inconsolably.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask concerned.

This is the one time I'm actually considering going to a hospital.

"I don't knowwww." She coughs.

Maybe it's just because she can't handle being sick. Her hangovers damn near killt her and this is like a long-term one.

"You wanna go to the hospital?" I ask.

"Hell no." She looks at me crazy.

If she don't feel better by the morning I'ma make her ass go.

"What's wrong witcha?" I ask.

"I'm SICK retard." She looks up at me like I'm dumb.

Her crying is slowing down, the more she get distracted.

"We needa focus on finding your mom. If we're right about her flying here under the name Diana Spears, we gotta find the bitch." I divert.

"Why they protecting her ass? She couldn't'na gave them no useful information about me." She furrows her eyebrows.

"We've killed thousands of people, and we finna double back for her... Why wouldn't they protect her?" I say in a duh tone.

"I wanna shove a rod up her pussy and push it through her til it comes out her mouth." She says.

"We could do it. But I'd rather do a sword." I pull her up.

"Whyyyy are you moving me?" She whines, letting me lay her down.

"Cuz I wanna cuddle witchu." I lay behind her and put my arm over her.

"Why you actin like you love me?" She asks suspiciously.

"Cuz I do dumbass." I kiss her cheek.

"No you don't... you can't even forgive me for a mistake I made months ago." She says in a shakey voice.

"If I ever slept with someone else God knows you'da been den killt us both. Gotta admit I'm handling this better than you would've." I shrug.

"I honestly would've rather'd you killed me then to make me live platonic with you again. It took us over a decade to get together and you pull this bullshit." She complains.

"Shut up." I rub her stomach.

"When will you forgive me?" She looks back at me.

When hell freeze over

"I don't know, you gotta give me time to." I sigh.

"If we're not back together by the time the baby get here I will kill it, you, and me. Allllll together. We gone die a family." She stares at me for a while before closing her eyes and laying her head back down.

Crazy bitch



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