06. A Table Of Interruptions & Secrets

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Word count: 3390

There was a mild chill in the air that morning, but not even a storm could stop his mother from having her way.
And what she wanted, was breakfast on the balcony, and she was going to get it.

Which was why Adonis had reluctantly dragged himself out of bed before nine and had to make himself look 'presentable' even though it was supposed to be just family.

Turning the doorknob, he stepped out of his room, taking one look at the almost-finished painting sitting on the easel.

It was official. He had gone insane.

He had never been the kind of person to obsess over something, or anyone. But for some reason, he couldn't stop thinking about her. She was captivating, and mysterious. Maybe that was it. He always had a thing for mystery, ever since he was little. Solving puzzles and reading mystery novels.

Could that be it? Did she just appeal to that part of him that longed for a good hunt?

No, it was something more. And he wouldn't know what it was, until he saw her again. And also apologized for being the biggest perv alive.

He shut the door and turned into the corridor, making his way to the balcony his mind wandering. The smell of fresh pastries made his stomach rumble, reminding him he hadn't had anything to eat the previous night, having decided to ditch the party altogether after his conversation with Selene in the shed.

"Adonis!" Halting his thoughts, he looked up to see his mother running up the flight of stairs that led to the driveway. Dressed in a pink floral dress and sun hat, the lady of the house was prepared for breakfast.
"I have a surprise for you!"

Oh dear God...

Barely containing his grimace, he forced a smile. "Ma, please no more surprises," she wrapped her arm around his, her hands smoothing out the few creases on his plain shirt.

"I told you to dress appropriately." She scolded with a deep sigh. "Well, this will have to do.

"I'd rather go through the rest of my trip without any more surprises." He made no attempt to stop her as she guided -or more like dragged- him towards the balcony. "Last night was fine. I'd rather spend the rest of my stay with family."

Laughing, she smacked his arm lightly. "Oh, I think this is a surprise you'll enjoy." She stopped in the entryway of the spacious balcony, grinning knowingly. "And she is family."

He frowned slightly, but didn't question her as they walked into the balcony where a spread of mouthwatering appetizers had been laid out.

He heard his stomach grumble.

Dragging his eyes away from the delicious spread, he noticed his father already sitting at the head of the table, his secretary, standing next to him with an iPad as they discussed business probably.
Opposite him, sat Selene, at the other end of the table. She had her phone to her ear and barely glanced at him when he walked in.

Gyles was also sitting at the table, having become a member of their family after years of servitude, smiling at someone next to him. They had their backs to the entryway, and for a second he thought one of the invitees had spent the night. But Gyles noticed him then, brightening up he turned to his companion, she had her dark curly hair in a neat bun, and as his eyes went lower he noticed a tattoo peak out from the collar of her white shirt.

His eyes widened. He didn't need to peer further to know the words written in cursive on her neck. He'd been there when she got it, had held her hand through the entire process until he couldn't contain his nausea and emptied his lunch in a nearby trashcan.

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