Chapter One: Trager Meets Upshur

Start from the beginning

And because of that, I get to school in record time. I'm still running a little late, which was entirely my fault for waking up so late, but it's earlier than I thought it would be. As she pulls up in front of the school, I see that everyone has already gone inside. I'd better hurry.

"See you, Mom," I quickly say, swinging my backpack over one shoulder and thrusting open the car door with one hand. "Don't let Jess be late for preschool because of me."

She chuckles lightly. "I'll do my best, genie. Have a good day at school."

"Yeah, I will. Bye, guys," I say quickly, leaning back to give Jesse a kiss on the forehead before closing the passenger door.

I wave at her as she pulls away, hearing the engine roar behind me, and as I skip onto the sidewalk, I find myself gazing up at the massively tall building known as West Aspen High School in admiration. It's a daily routine I've found myself doing almost every day since I started going here, and I think it has reason to it. Our school, like many others in Colorado, is almost laughably huge; it's a miracle I actually learned my way around this castle. Thus, I'm kind of amazed by it. Thus thus, I tend to stare.

I speedwalk to the big front doors, looking a little stupid as I do so, and once I get there I run into a nice boy holding them open for me. As I approach him, he grins kindly and gestures for me to go through before him. I do just that, smiling back at him in return.

"A gentleman at our school? Wow, who knew," I say jokingly. Attractive-sounding laughter follows.

"What, am I the first?" he asks, likely rhetorically. He follows me inside and lets the doors close behind him. "I'm honored, nonetheless."

"Oh, don't be. It's a joke for a reason."

"Aw, so I'm not a gentleman? That sucks."

I stop walking, and following suit, so does he. Weirdly enough, I don't even know this kid's name. "Hold on. Do I know you? I swear, you look familiar, but you also don't."

"I get that a lot," he replies. I raise my eyebrows.


I must have caught him in his bluff. "Uh, no, actually. Not really. But if you're asking, my name's Danny. Danny Upshur."

Upshur. I run the name through my head and feel a subtle shiver travel down my spine. Where have I heard that name before?

"What?" I find myself stupidly asking. He looks at me like I'm just that: stupid.

"I said, my name's Danny. And you?"

"I'll tell you once we start walking again. We're going to be late for homeroom," I say, quickly regaining my composure and confidence. I start walking again and he follows beside me; I wonder if he's just doing that or he actually has to go the same way I am.

"So?" he prompts me again, just as we turn a corner into an empty hallway. "Now you've got me curious."

"I'm Alyssa," I say, not even a beat after he finished his sentence. "What grade are you in? You can't be in mine, or I'd know you for sure."

"I don't know, are you a sophomore?" he asks. Invisibly to him, my eyes widen the slightest bit, but I don't slow my pace.

"Yeah," I answer tentatively, briefly confused. "That's...strange. How do I not know someone from my own class?"

"It's okay; don't feel stupid. I just moved from Denver to Aspen last summer, and our class is frickin' huge. I don't blame you."

"Still," I say, thinking back to freshman year and all the faces I encountered. Apparently, never once his. "That's weird. You hid from me."

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