Pleading, pitty, power.

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Your still  sitting beside him with your knees up against your chest and your arms wrapped around your body, you start to wonder when he'll wake up. It was surely one of the strangest reaction you have ever gotten from flirting, usually you'd either get banged or hanged, some people take pleasure and some just leave u to rot in your own words. BUT SLEEPING? that was a whole other level of ghosting. You listen closely and hear the low, robotic purring coming from Earth. It was so quiet you could hear the turning of his gears, you felt a smile creep across your face, gosh didn't you hate this guy a day ago? And now you suddenly find this comforting. Your still so very astonished that somebody so big would just fall asleep so soundly for no reason, were you boring him?! You thought to yourself, you then decided to to try something, you put both of your hands on his shoulder, it was warm, not warm enough to burn you but not cool  enough to be considered normal. You then shook him. trying to see if that'll work, to your surprise it actually does, he was laying down, his eyes open to meet you at a almost perfect length.

'hmmm.. wha'cha doing?..'  He said in a tired and rough tone.  You felt the formation of butterfly's creep up  in your tummy again, shit. why was this happening, he probably isn't even interested. You then decided to question him about what the hell just happened, 'Hey uhm, what even happened then. You just randomly shut down..are you feeling ok? I mean it's not like I care or anything it's just-' you then got cut off. 'Im fine I'm fine It just happens sometimes. Gee ya worry too much!' You then do a sigh of relief. but you then jolt up in ultimate shock after hearing what he was about say, 'But y'know what I am? HORNY!' You then topple over to gag and then cover your face blushing while repeating, 'I DIDN'T HAVE TO KNOWW I DIDN'T HAVE TO KNOWW.' His reaction was simply just laughing at you while you feel your last remaining string of sanity starting to slip away. 

'Well since ya' be wanting to know every damn thing about me I'd expect ya' to be wondering about that!!' He chirped in a awfully offending tune. You then regain your body control back and look him dead in the eyes, 'Not the right place or time buddy.' you then shook your head at him. 'Y'know ya' wannaaa..' you raised an eyebrow at him and folded your arms. 'Want to do what Earth?' He then turned on his drill, 'Screw aroundddd~' He said with possibly the most sex educing tone ever coming from a robot. You felt sweat seeping through your shirt a little bit, he must've noticed that you were awfully flustered and took an advantage of it. He then puffed a heat shaped cloud from one of his engines. Awh. Your still questioning the fact of how this hunk of metal can even get horny, but maybe it must be mating season of something. You then finally decide, this is want you wanted all along. 'Alright lets do it!!~' You said with an eeger, almost desperate tone.

 You then saw his face change from seductive to shocked. 'Wait really?' he questioned. You nodded you head. He then cleared his throat before saying 'Well, ahaha funny thing here is uhh.. I'v never done such things with the like's of you.' You tilt your head confusion. 'Likes of me?' He then instantly replied, 'Human scum.'

You felt your blood start to boil, then you had an idea, he was so close to you know that you had the opportunity to just swipe his core right out of his chest. It was so tempting, you felt its aura was beckoning you to do it. You got on your tiptoes and hastily ripped it out of him. 'AY! What'cha doing?' he said with a shocked tone. You then mimicked him. 'AH- how dare ya'!' he shouted. you were just walking away from him while he was following you, trying to figure out what you are doing. 'Cmonnn master don't be like this..' You felt your heart stop. DID HE JUST CALL YOU MASTER, You didn't want to display the shock you felt at that moment but you did feel amazing at that point, so you just chuckled, he then groaned. 

*A few minutes later* 

After many comments of Earth asking you what you were doing, you were finally back at the main center of Earth Island. 'Why ya' come over here it's weeeird.' you rolled your eyes at his one of many snarky comments. 'Well it's far better than that dump you hang around.' You replied with a degrading tone. Gosh the power you held at this moment, it was all so thrilling! You then decided to put it into use..

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