wubbawedding failed

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*At plant Island*

You feel yourself slip in and out of consciousness for a few seconds, you then analysed your surroundings, you seemed to be at Plant island. How strange you thought to yourself. You  rubbed your eyes in an attempt to see better, you then felt the grass beneath your body. You look around to see if anybody was looking at you, luckily the coast was clear, you then stumbled to your feet and looked around again at the so much nicer scenery than the place you were before, this place was full of life. You then walked around for a bit taking deep breaths, trying to clear your lungs that had to endure the horrendous polluted air of Earth Island. 

You look around at all the happy and cheerful monsters, a completely different vibe from the monsters before. You felt a smile beam across your face as your heart was filled with light and glee! But  suddenly, you then notice an oddity. You look to your right to see such a sight. There was stood Earth and Plant Wubbox. HUH? You then see what Earth was holding between his huge, hunky and robotical arms. It was a heart shaped boulder that was sculpted that way. It looked very rough and messy but it did in fact resemble a heart.

 You then look at Earth's expression, he was...Blushing?! You then look to see what Plant Wubbox was doing, his expression looked shocked as one of his hands (?) were covering his mouth. You then hear Plant say 'Oh my gosh Earth, this is...So beautiful..' Earth's eyes looked like he was actually happy for once. WAIT WAS THIS A PROPOSIAL? you thought to yourself. You felt the tension that was between them rise. But then, Plant then continued with what he was saying. 'But I really can't except this. I'm sorry...' His expression looked to be a mixture of guilt and sadness. Earth's expression was shocked, he then responded to Plant. 'But.. Why. Plant I've loved ya' for ages. Why won'tcha  give me a shot?' Earths voice had a slight shake in it, he was actually serious about the whole thing. Plant's expression now looked even guiltier, he then took a deep breath before explaining to Earth. 'We are just too different, It could never work out. Our worlds have always had tensions, it just wouldn't be right.' Plant's arms were now wrapped around his tree like body, his emerald coloured  core wasn't visible. 'But, I love ya', I really do.' Earth then looked downcast at the floor.  completely ignoring Plant's reactions.

Plant's guilt must have got the best of him as he then comforted Earth by saying, 'I know, But trust me it's just not meant to be.' He now had his hand (?) on earths Hench shoulder, but he then retracted it soon after as he then noticed the smoke admitted from Earths tubes. 'You will find somebody im su-' Plant was then cut off with a sudden reaction from Earth. 

Earth then raised his whirling drill up to plant's face before yelling 'YA KNOW WHAT? FINE! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU OR YA PUNEY LITTLE ISLAND I'M OUT!!' . His voice could probably be heard through out the whole island. He then smashed the stone shaped boulder to the ground. The increase of smoke emitted from his tubes already showing how his temper is sky rocketing. Plant's face was in a pure state of shock and panic. Both of his hands (?) was now in front of his mouth. He then called out to Earth who was now storming off towards the forest.  'WAIT NO EARTH PLEASE!' He called to him, 'QUIT YA WHINEING PLANT!' You then looked up at Plant, he  started to cry, he's probably one of the most sensitive of his kind and hates getting shouted at by anybody. Oh crap. Now what, you think to yourself. You look up at the weeping Wubbox, you felt awful for the way Earth had  treated him just then. 'Hey, hey don't cry I'm sure he'll cool down sooner or later.' You said while looking up at him. Plant then wiped his tears and looked down at you. 'He just doesn't understand, I can't be with him. We are far too different, he's almost dangerous to me.' you then nodded and said 'I understand, I'll go talk to him and try to talk sense into him.' Plant then smiled and thanked you for your kind gesture. You then did a thumbs up sign and walked away, following Earth's huge foot prints.

*In the forest*

You look around at the place in confusion, There's so many tree's you thought to yourself. Suddenly, you smell the stench of burning and machinery fumes. Bingo. You then walk in few directions to where the smell was the furthest. You then walk forwards until you finally see the huge hunk of metal himself. He was sat in a slouchy criss- cross position with his arms on his knee's (?). He seemed to be calmer than when he was before. You then take a breath and walk over to him.

'Hey, I saw what happend back there' You said to him. He then lifted his head to look over at you, he then scowled. 'Oh so you wanted to come over and rub the rejection in my face.' You then felt awfully offended by his assumption. 'Pfft no. I came here to tell you that he really does care about you Earth. It's just that..uh..'  you were then interrupted by Earth. 'Is it cus' he's all beautiful like nature and I'm just a hunk of shit? Yah I already know.' you wanted to giggle at the way he described himself but you knew if you did you would be deader than a dinosaur. So you then respond 'Yes you may be a hunk of shit but that's not the reason.' You  waited a while for a response from him but nothing was heard. You then felt bad for the guy, He literally got rejected. And you did know that he went through hell and back trying to carve that heart shaped stone. so you did kind of feel something for the guy. You then walked closer to have a really good look at him, gosh was he tall. You was so close you could hear the ticking and buzzing of his insides. You  caught yourself staring at his shiny but faded crimson core. You then noticed he was now staring at you. Awkward. A wave of embarrassment washed over your body.

You knew you shouldn't really be looking at that but he does have it out all the time so it's hard not to peek. 'My eyes are up here sweetheart' He said with a impatient sounding tone. You then realised he called you sweetheart, but to be honest he calls everybody that, probably in the sarcastic way but regardless of how he meant it you felt...BUTTERFLYS? They were flapping around in your stomach like feral animals. You then thought about this for a second, you then felt a blush creep across your face as you think realised what this meant. DID YOU CATCH FEELINGS FOR EARTH? You felt sweat gather at your forehead and palms. You then looked up at him, his face looked slightly concerned. 'You ok pipsqueak?' He said accompanied with a slight head tilt. You couldn't take it anymore, you really don't know what love bug bit you but you had the urge to squeal and dance around like a little girl. You then couldn't take the thrill anymore. 'EEEEEEE IM FINEEE!!' you then squealed. His reaction to that was shocked and confused. 'Uh- uhm..' that was the first time you have ever  heard him stutter. You then came back to your senses, you felt a chill creep up your spine as Earth was now just staring at you with his careless expression he always wears. You then felt an ever BIGGER wave of embarrassment hit you. Struggling to deal with such emotions, you run off as fast you can, you look behind you to see Earth looking more confused than ever.

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