The deal with this place isss???

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It's a humid day on the well known Earth island, the name makes the place sound like it's a twin of the popular plant island, but NO! If anything Earth island is more of a scrap yard than anything, yes the centre of the island is decent but the inhabited lands around it are enough to put you off eating for a month. But like all the islands. You as the human must tend to all of them to make sure they are functioning in a co-ordinated and productive way. The majority of people on this island are relatively nice! Apart from one though, Earth Wubbox. In all fairness nobody liked him, and you don't either. There's just something about him that makes you want to scream bloody murder and rip a good portion of your hair out. As infamous as he is you try your best to ignore his snarky comments and unwanted appearances  and innocently carry on with your island chores. Luckily you haven't seen  him sleazing around today, so far...

Your POV (First person):

I wonder around the main circle of Earth island. As much as I really don't want to be here. I haven't been in weeks, and if I stopped the place would be even more of a dump than it is already. I still greet the monsters here just as kindly as I would any other monsters on the other islands, after all its not their fault they live in such a horrible environment, but for some this island is the required habitat so it's not really like they have a choice in the matter. My thoughts come to a halt as  I then notice something in the corner of my eye and I turn my head to get a better look, it was Dandidoo. 'Oh- hello Dandidoo! What's on your mind?' I questioned her, I  haven't spoken to her in a while so it was an overall nice surprise to see her again. 'I really do hate to bother you on your little stroll but, its just well. uhm. Toe jammer has been ate again!' I hear her say with a panicked tone. NOT AGAIN I think to myself. I then already know who the culprit is as this has happened way too many times already, I then sigh as I realise I have to convince some big hunk of metal not to eat another monster, yet again. Its not the first time I've had to tell him to not be such a cretin.

Still your POV but 2nd person:

You head over to where you think Earth might be, he usually takes his stomping grounds to the edge of Earth island, also to mention that them parts tend to be the roughest looking too. You have been walking for about 10 minutes and seen no sign of anybody at all. It was so quiet you could hear the wind blowing around between the occasional tree's branches, the place you were in looked like some sort of scrap yard   that was awfully dark, the only light was a few pole lights but they barley lit up the place, you then jolt up to attention as you hear the most aggressive drilling noise you have ever heard accompanied with a low sounding grunt, bingo! You must be close to him as you recognise his thick accented voice anywhere. You then head over to the direction of the drilling, trying to not trip over the pieces of scrap metal and rocks. 

You then make your way up a fairly steep hill and you finally see him, drilling away at what seemed to be large bolder. You gulp as an attempt to unknot your throat as you remember that he usually doesn't hear you if you speak in your normal tone, 'HEY! YOU UP THERE!' You shout to him in a attempt to get his attention, at first you thought he didn't hear him. 'HEY-' you shout again, you then notice that the drilling noise has came to a halt, and so did your heart. You look up to lock eyes with the one before you. Ah shit. You feel his gaze piercing through your soul, you then was hit with the smell of pure pollution, probably just him puffing smoke from his tubes all the time. 'What. ' You heard a deep and rough voice speak down to you say. You were stunned for a second but then continued with what you had to say, 'Listen, just spit out the monster you ate. Dandidoo already told me.' You said with a fed up tone. You then saw his expression change to tired and careless to alerted. 'Dandi's fulla' shit.' you then heard him say, the gears coming from inside of him ticked slightly louder. 'Come on Earth just spit Toe jammer out.'  You beckon. 'Well I'm sorry to break it to ya' sweetheart but he's long gone.' You then groaned at his response as this was just infuriating you.  

You then stare up at him along with a deafening silence, you watch his body language start to display discomfort at your staring. You carry on doing this for a bit, 'ALRIGH' I'LL THROW IT UP! just give me a minute.' he then rolled his eyes. YES! he finally gave in. You felt a slight rush of excitement. You then see him bang onto his core before pushing upwards. 'ACK' 'MMNG' You heard a few gags until he finally spat out a very traumatised toe jammer 'PLEH' Earth said that was also covered in what seemed to be oil. You heard Earth coughing in the background. Toe jammer then said 'I've seen things, terrible things.' He then rushed off before You or Earth could react to that sentence. Strange. 

'Now scram ya' puny specimen! ' You heard Earth say, gosh you wish somebody would install a censor in him for that awful temper. he then turned his drill hand back on and continued with what he was doing before. You just stared at him. He was cutting so easily through this huge stone without breaking a sweat, even though Wubbox's don't really sweat as far as you know. You completely ignored his command and instead of leaving, you just stood and stared at him, you were sort of mesmerised by his appearance and what he was doing, you then thought he was gonna turn around to look at you but he just sighed, you then saw he had stopped. 'GAH WHATS POINT?! I can't carve for shit.' he wined, he then kicked the large stone he was drilling just a minute a go. he then then sat down with his head on his knee's (?). The ground shook. Wow. you thought to yourself, just wow. You didn't even think this guy had any other emotion than moody bitch mode. you heard a muffled groan and then a...sob? This sure was a sight to see, somebody so intimidating and strong was sniffing at the fact he can't do something. 

You then felt your heart stop as he then lifted his head up. Shit. His eyes were now darting looks at you. 'OI! I SAID GET LOST' He shouted, he then got up and turned his drill on. 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO DONT!!!' you screamed, you then ran  in the opposite direction. You saw  your life flash before your eyes at that moment, 'never again' you repeated  'never again.' You carried on running for a bit, he wasn't chasing after you. You then lost your balance as you tripped up on a rock and felt face first into the ground. Ow. Well you'd rather that happen then get your head drilled in. You then clambered to your feet again and carried on dashing forward's with a slight stumble in your step.

*Back at Earth Island central*

You finally made it back, despite your speed the distance from here and where u just been is a fair way. You then looks around for Dandidoo. Luckily you found her, she was speaking to Cybop 'And that's why we don't say the n wor- Oh hi Y/n!' she said while turning to face you. Cybop took this as a chance to fly off. Dandidoo then rolls her eyes. She then looked back at you with a shocked expression. 'Gosh you look pale, are you ok?' she says with a concerned tone. 'Mhm. I'm fine.' Gosh you sounded rough. Dandi didn't look convinced. 'He didn't do anything to you did he?' She then asked. 'No. No. He only threatened me a few times. But that's because I caught him crying over a boulder.' You then saw he expression change. 'Crying?' she then asked, trying to confirm if she heard you right. 'Yes, because he couldn't sculpt something i think.' You then realised that you had said to much. As much as you love Dandidoo you do know one thing about her. She can't keep her beak shut, and if she spills the beans about this and earth finds out then your dead. gone. you'll be nothing but a pile of mush on the floor, that he would probably eat shortly after because he's just weird like that. You thought train then stops as you hear Dandidoo then say, 'Go home, you really don't look well.' You looked at her in a daze, your head spinning you then fell forward and before you blacked out your heard her say 'OH GOD HE'S DYING.' 


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