Chapter 31: I'll Keep You Safe

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The next day, Kiri walked up to faith. Faith said "Leave me alone." Kiri said "I wasn't even gonna do anything, just gonna sit." Faith said "Not next to me." Spider came up and sat and put his arm around Kiri. Spider said "what's that around your neck?" Faith said "It's a necklace." Kiri said "can I see it?" Faith said "why?" Spider said "I want to see it too." Faith was hesitant, Kiri ripped it off her neck and said "aww it has their initials on it, how cute." Spider took it and said "oh it's a seashell." He crushed it in his hands and said "whoops." He dropped the remains. Faith yelled "NO! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" Kiri said "It's just a stupid necklace, you can get another one." Faith ran away in tears. Neteyam stopped her and put his hand on her cheek and said "Hey, hey, hey, what happened!?" Faith sobbed "K-Kiri and S-Spider b-broke m-my n-necklace!" Faith said "He crushed the seashell." Neteyam held her and said "I'll make you another one." Faith said "the same one pookie?" Neteyam said "yes my angel, with our initials on it." I said "what happened?" Faith said "Kiri and Spider broke my necklace." I said "you've got to be kidding me!" Kiri yelled "Oh my gosh! Calm down! It's just a necklace!" Spider mocked faith "oh n-neteyam! S-spider broke my necklace! What am I gonna do!?" He yelled "you're pathetic!" Neteyam yelled "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT NECKLACE MEANT TO HER! SO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" Spider said "Oh! I'm so scared!" I said "alright everyone just stop! Neteyam go away! Faith go away! We all stay away from eachother!" Spider said "that's gonna be impossible!" I said "why?" Kiri said "we're living here now!" Neteyam said "Oh hell no!" Faith said "what!?" She started to have a panic attack. Neteyam said "Faith breathe!" She said "T-They c-can't s-stay h-here!" She started breathing fast. Neteyam said "breathe!" Neteyam was rubbing her back and said "breathe." Faith calmed down. Faith whispered "They can't stay here." Neteyam put his forehead to faiths and said "I'll protect you! I'll keep you safe!" That night, faith was in her hut. Neteyam went in and closed the door. He said "My angel? I have something for you." He put his hands around her neck, he put something around her neck. Faith smiled and said "you remade it!" It said 'F+N For Eternity'. Neteyam said "told you I'd remake it." He kissed her. He went down to her stomach, he kissed it. Her belly was growing fast. Na'vi grow babies faster than humans do. She already had a bump. Neteyam smiled and rubbed her belly. Faith smiled and said "I love you." He said "I love you too." They kissed. The next day, spider said "hey Kiri, watch this." Spider went up to faith and said "soo, did my dad give you that baby orrr what?" Faith stopped and said "no." Spider laughed and said "oh so Neteyam gave you that baby." Faith said "what do you want?" Spider said "I want you but you won't have me." He pouted. Faith said "go away spider!" Spider grabbed faith and said "I don't think so!" He shoved her on the ground, he punched her stomach, faith groaned in pain, he did it again and again. She was screaming. No one heard her. He kept punching her stomach. Faith was screaming bloody murder and sobbing. Neteyam bolted and jumped on spider and yelled "Get off of her!" Spider pushed him off. Spider kept punching her stomach. Ronal ran over and hit spider and knocked him out. Faith was screaming. Neteyam ran over and saw blood, lots of it. Ronal said "shit! She's bleeding out!" Ronal ran and got towels. She came back and covered faith. Faith said "M-My b-baby!?" Ronal said "we will check ok?" Ronal got the device and checked. Ronal said "your baby is fine." Faith and Neteyam sighed in relief. Neteyam said "Thank you Eywa!" Neteyam said "Now will you make him leave!?" Ronal said "we can't." Neteyam said "right." Ronal left. Faith said "Pookie?" Neteyam said "yes my angel?" Faith said "I-." She starting shaking, she was having a seizure! Neteyam yelled "RONAL!" Ronal rushed in and said "what the hell!?" She said "turn her on her side!" Neteyam did. Faith stopped. Ronal said "Go get Lo'ak! NOW!" Neteyam went and got me and I said "what happened!" Ronal said "she had a seizure." I said "what!? What caused it?" Ronal said "probably stress, I don't know, but her seizing is very dangerous for her and her baby when she's pregnant." I said "it only happened once?" Ronal said "yes." I said "ok, Neteyam, keep an eye on her." Neteyam said "yeah, I will." We left. Faith woke up and said "Neteyam? W-What happened!?" Neteyam said "You had a seizure." Faith said "That's never happened to me." Neteyam said "I know." He kissed her. They laid down. They fell asleep in eachother's arms.

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