Chapter 29: We Will Get Our Miracle

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The next day, Ronal came in our hut and said "breakfast is ready." I said "ok thanks." Ronal smiled and left. Tsireya said "you coming?" I said "yeah." We left. Ronal went into faiths hut and said "breakfast is ready." Faith said "ok, thanks Ronal." Ronal said "you're welcome." Faith came out. She sat down. We all ate. Later that day, Faith was twiddling the sand. Tsireya said "you ok?" Faith said "Mom? How'd you do it?" Tsireya said "Do what?" Faith said "Have a child after you know." Tsireya said "Eywa will provide you with one in the right time. Eywa knows." Faith said "yeah, your right." Tsireya said "Faith? Do you think your with child?" Faith said "No, I don't feel it. But I hope one day." Tsireya said "you will get your miracle." She kissed her on the head. Tsireya said "love you." Faith said "love you too." She left. That night, Tsireya said "Lo'ak? I'm worried for her." I said "what happened?" Tsireya said "she asked me how I had a child after you know." I said "oh, well... what did you tell her." Tsireya said "I told her Eywa will provide her with one, in the right time." I said "ok, then what's the problem." Tsireya said "I think eywa heard her but she doesn't know." I said "give her a test." The next day, Tsireya said "Faith? Take this." Faith said "why?" Tsireya said "cause... I think you're already pregnant..." Faiths eyes widened. She went and took it. Faith came out, Tsireya said "well?" Faith said "I-It's P-Positive! It's positive!" Tsireya smiled and said "well, congrats sweetie." I walked in and said "what's going on?" Faith held out the test. I said "oh my gosh! You're pregnant!" Tsireya said "shhh!" I said "oh sorry." That night, we were all eating dinner and faith pulled out the test and put it on the table. Everyone was silent. Ronal said "Is that?" Faith said "yes." Ronal said "oh my goodness! Well congrats!" Aonung said "How do you know it's his tho?" He laughed. Ronal said "AONUNG!" Neteyam didn't say anything. At all. He got up and left. Tsireya looked at me confused. Faith looked at me worried. I said "I'll go talk to him." I left. I said "Neteyam!" He stopped. I said "why did you leave?" He said "What if it's not mine?" I said "what do you mean?" Neteyam said "when faith got kidnapped, she told me she would dance for people... privately." My eyes got wide and I said "oh shit!" I said "we can do a test." Neteyam nodded. I went to Ronal and said "can we do a dna test?" Ronal said "sure." Faith went in a hut and Ronal gave her the test. We were all impatiently waiting. Ronal came out and said "It's Neteyam's." We all sighed in relief. Neteyam went up to faith and said "I love you." He smiled. Faith said "I love you too." They kissed. They went to their hut and laid down. Neteyam wrapped his tail around Faiths stomach. They fell asleep.

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