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Chapter 1

Serina's pov
Where am I ?I woke up feeling a little drunk and everything appearing blurry.My body was aching ,while my mind was exploding with questions .Just as my vision came to me , I knew where I was .I remember the party last night ,all the drinking and mess. How could I be so stupid !?
I could also remember the sound my car made when it plunged and crashed into the train.Im alive ?Then worst of all I remembered getting dragged into this little white room ,where I was connected to a bunch of wires.What happened to me I asked as I looked at myself in the long mirror placed to the right of the small bed I was laying in. There was about at least 50 wires attached to my body . Everything in the room was white ,which was just the bed ,the mirror and a small window and a small door at the back . Mark.
I had no idea who this name belonged to ,but it sounded familiar .Breaking my train of thought ,I heard the door open ."Oh,you are up now " said a very familiar looking man .He had these big blue eyes and brown messy hair ,looking no over 20." How do you feel?" "W-who are you ,where am I ,what did you do to me !!? "I shouted ."Huh?Now that's no tone to use talking to the person who saved your life."

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