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Adam is the first Islamic prophet. He and Hawwa (Eve) were the first humans on Earth and Adam is considered the father of the human race. 

Muslims see Adam as the first , as the states that all the Prophets preached the same faith of (: إسلام, submission to god ).

According to the Quran, when Allah  informed the that he was going to put a successor on Earth, they questioned why (Allah) God would set wherein a human who would cause blood shed and damage. God then teaches Adam "the names of all things" and assembles the angels in front of Adam so as to show them that the angels know only "save what Thou Hast taught us", but Adam could tell all names. God commands the angels to prostrate before Adam wherein all amongst them obeyed except for (Satan), who claimed: "I am better than him. You created me of fire while him you created of mud." His disobedience of God's command followed by attributing injustice to God, caused him to fall out of God's favor:"And behold, We said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam" and they bowed down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: He was/became of those who reject faith." 

Adam and his  wife (tradition identify her with HAWWA )God tells them that they are free to enjoy of its fruits except not to come near the "tree of immortality", but the  (shaiṭān) was able to convince them to taste it: "He said, "Your Lord has f...

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Adam and his  wife (tradition identify her with HAWWA )God tells them that they are free to enjoy of its fruits except not to come near the "tree of immortality", but the (shaiṭān) was able to convince them to taste it: "He said, "Your Lord has forbidden this tree to you only to prevent you from becoming angels or immortals.""  Whereupon God sends Adam and his wife to earth, there they are condemned to "live and die", but is willing to forgive them. When Adam was cast out of Garden Eden, Adam turned towards God and begged for forgiveness. Therefore, there isn't a doctrine of in (Kalām) and Adam's sin is not carried by all of his children.

In the (Prophetic tales) Adam and Eve were cast down far apart, so that they had to search for each other and eventually met each other at . Hadith say that once Adam was on earth, God (sometimes Gabriel at service of God) taught him how to plant seeds and bake bread. This was to become the way of all of Adam's children. Adam proceeded to live for about 960 years, though this has been a topic of debate. Humankind would have learned everything from Adam. He was the first to learn to plant, harvest, and bake as well as the first to be told how to repent and how to properly bury someone. It is also said by some scholars that God also revealed the various food restrictions and the alphabet to Adam. He was made the first prophet and it is said that he was taught 21 scrolls and was able to write them himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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