Chapter 5

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(I haven't uploaded in a long time .... My bad 🤷 and Thanks for 500+ views never thought I'd get so many lol anyways please enjoy <3 )


Y/n's Pov

"It's been a week since well ..."

"Well what?" my best friend mimi asked over the phone

" Well since Leone and esdeath"

" Ooh that trainreck I feel bad for Leone "

" Yeah. "

" Esdeath is a crazy bitch like damm! "

" I know right "

" Why can't you just get rid of her? "

" How!!? "

" I don't know think of something!!"

" Do you think I haven't tried!? "

" Oh yeah? Like what!! Hmm "

" ..."

" That's what I thought! "

" Well what should I do miss know it all!? "

" I don't know!? Move or something!!? "

" I can't move!! "

" Why?"

" Work... That's why "

" Your fucking family is rich!!? You don't need to work and work doesn't need you "

" My father is rich and you know I don't like my father "

" Why you never told me what happened between you and him and Father!? seriously not even gonna call him dad damm "

" Yes seriously and me not telling you what happened between me and him does not include you "

" Ok.... Soo how's your mom doing "

" What the Fuck!!? "

" What she's a hot milf plus I need a sugar mommy "

" But not my MOM!! "


" Uh- "

" Listen I love you but.. what did your mom ever do to you? "

" She.. she.. she did nothing wrong I just don't want anything to do with that family "

" Y/n.."

" Mimi? "

" You don't have to separate yourself from your entire family just because your dad did something messed up "

" I- "

" No! I don't want to hear it going apologize to your mom right now and tell her that your best friend needs a sugar mommy "

" Fine! Jeez but I not saying the last part "

" Come on! Please I need a sugar mommy I'm broke as fuck! "

" No.. "

" Fine I'll find someone else just go apologize to your mom ok? "

"Ok "

" Good now go and call me later ok? "


* After they hung up*

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