chapter 10 ( finale pt1)

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( this is gonna be short)

As I got off the bed and went to open the door

As I got to the door and opened it the first person I saw was Leone but she wasn't her normal self she looked like she had seen a ghost

" You ok? " I said while letting her in

[Leone] " it's- it's Sheele sh- she's"

Leone looked like she going to cry

"What happened? " I said a little worried

[Leone] " she's- she's in the hospital.. "

After she said that tears started to rain down her face

" Hey hey it's going to be ok she's going to be ok I promise " I said trying to confer her

" What happened to her that caused her to be in the hospital? "

[Leone] " that's the problem we don't know she's in a coma the police say it was an attempted murder and- and say that it's a miracle that she's alive ". She said sobbing

"What!? Who would do such a thing!" I said

[Leone] " I-I don't know " she said as more tears run down her face

" You can stay over if you need to"

[Leone] " thanks I really need that "

"No problem I happy to help"

As I said that I got a text from Mimi  that says

: Hey I'm coming over for a sleepover cus I'm lonely xx :

After I saw the text I throw my phone on the bed and went to tell Leone

I then told Leone that Mimi was coming over and she was fine with it infact she was excited to meet Mimi in her own way





After Mimi arrived she started to talk with Leone like they were childhood friends

And Leone gave Mimi the Same amount of energy that Mimi gave her and the got along well

We all started talking about life and other stuff

I then went to take my phone from the bedroom and saw that I had a few messages

I then opened my phone to see who texted me

As I open my phone I got call from my mother



" Hey Hun "

"Why are you calling?"

" I just wanted to ask if it's possible for you to come over for dinner tomorrow night "

"Sure mother "

"Thanks my dear now you can go back to what you where doing "

" Good night mother "

" Good night Hun "

I then hung up the phone and went to Mimi and Leone

As I walk in i got tackled by Mimi

" Ow! what the fuck Mimi? "

[Mimi] " that's for not introducing me this amazing woman"

Leone giggles at Mimi's words

" I'm sorry! Now get off of me!! "

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