Can I see you again? (5)

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Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at (Y/n) as he cries) "Do you really think it's okay?! Is this really okay?! Is this really fair and justified?! To punish someone just because they were born, and lock them up from society without a chance to escape or redeem themselves?! (He grips (Y/n hand very tight) Is this the way we should treat people?! Is this the way we should treat our people?! (He continues to cry harder) Just because we are born, is that enough to take away our freedom?!" (He cries even harder with a heartbroken look).

Sometime this is just how it is... maybe one day my father will let me free... then i can see you without prison bars. She says still holding him.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks up at her with pure fury in his eyes) "So what?! You'll just accept this as the way of life?! You'll just accept this as the way the world should work?! As cruel and harsh as humanity is?! As unjust as humans are?! And you'll just accept it and live a life behind bars, waiting for a freedom that is never promised or ever given?! Is this how you think, (Y/n)?! Is this where freedom should only be a privilege that is given to some people only?! Just because we are born, we should already lose our freedom?!"

Not we. Me. Some people just live life harder. In the end... I still get to play with chalk and have food! So I might be living more then others. She smiles at him.

And you can live your life of freedom for me. Live do what you want. See the world it's beautiful. Everything and everyone even if others are farther down. It's still amazing. She hugs him tightly.

I won't be in it for some time. But I promise you.

Life's still good.

She says and holds him smiling with a positive energy. She is being completely selfless.

Shikanoin Heizou
He looks at (Y/n) with a very shocked and disappointed look

"So, you expect me to live on and enjoy life as you're left behind in prison to suffer?! (He grips her hands really tight) Do you expect me to just leave you here and go explore the world while you are stuck in prison?! You expect me to just go on and enjoy life while you will be left here, alone in prison, with no one else to accompany you and guide you?! What kind of person do you think I am, (Y/n)?" (He says with pure fury as he cries)

One filled with so much kindness. It's admirable. Heizou your an amazing person. And I'm really sorry I can't come with you. And that I might make you sadder just by being here. But I will be ok! You still have a life to live. You should enjoy it with or without me. She says smiling at him softly holding him still.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at (Y/n) with a sad and disappointed look) "No, (Y/n)... (He grips her hands even tighter) I promise you, I will find a way to free you from this prison, no matter what! You will not spend your life behind bars just because others have given you the duty to do so, for the sake of an "order" or a "law"! You will be able to live a normal life, as one should! The right to freedom and the right to live is a human right, not to be taken away from us! Not like this!"

Heizou I will be ok. She says softly.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at (Y/n) with pure fury) "No, you will not be okay! You will be locked in here for the rest of your life! This is not okay! This should not be accepted no matter what! Life and freedom is a human right, and it is wrong for one individual to not have these privileges, even when they are innocent! I will not sit and watch you suffer behind Bars for the sake of others! I vow, I promise you, (Y/n) I will find a way to free you from your prison, no matter what the costs!"

Heizou... I will be ok. She says softer looks at him with kindness.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He grips (Y/n)'s hands even tighter) "No, you will not be! You will not be okay! You will be locked in this prison, never to be redeemed or released until the day you die! That is not a way to live! I refuse to sit back and watch you suffer just because you choose to do this to yourself! I vow that I will do anything in my power to free you from this cruel and unjust prison, so that you may be free and live the life you deserve to live! That is a promise from me!"


I promise you





She says giving him the softest look.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He stops crying and looks at (Y/n)) "Alright... I will accept your promise. But I swear, this will not be the end, (Y/n)! I will find a way to free you from this prison." (He says with pure determination, as he let's go of her hands and he smiles at her) "I give your my full word."

She smiles at him. And if not. I will still be ok. But life is always full of surprises.

Shikanoin Heizou
"Indeed, life is full of surprises... But no matter what life throws at us, I will not forget my promise to you, (Y/n)! I will find a way to free you from this prison! And that is a promise from me! (He smiles sincerely and looks at (Y/n) with kindness) And I hope when that day comes, we can both be truly happy. You and me, standing together... in a peaceful world. (he looks at (Y/n) with a very soft and heartwarming look, he is very sincere) I wish, that that day will come soon.

She holds his hand warmly.

Enjoy life Heizou. She says smiling at him with a gentle but compassionate look.

Shikanoin Heizou
He looks up at her, and he smiles (the gentlest smile, almost like it can cure anything from the world)

"I will, (Y/n). I hope, one day, you will live a life that you can be happy with. And that day will come soon."

(He takes a step back, and he starts to slowly walk away. He looks at (Y/n) one last time)

"Thank you for everything, (Y/n)."

Thank you to... friend. She say smiling.

Shikanoin Heizou
"Goodbye for now, (Y/n). Until we meet again."

(He steps through the doorway, and he heads out. The door closes, and (Y/n) is once again alone, in her cell. She remains in her cell, and she sits on her bed, as she starts to think about what just happened.)

Crying Author

Plzz I'm actually crying right now...

I have no to blame but myself...

I just want them to be happy together!?! Why am I making this sad!?!? :c

Anyways theirs only one more chapter left see you then!

Please I think my mental state has died to much to write happy things :(

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