Melt down part 2 (3)

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She looks at him dead in the eye.

I was never scared. She says.

She then rolls up her selves to reveal some cut marks. From what looks like glass.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He gasps) What is this?! (He looks at the cuts in disbelief and sadness) (Y/n)... who did this to you?! (He grabs your arms to make sure there are no more, and inspects them more closely) Where did these come from, (Y/n)?!Please tell me!

Who do you think... she says emotionless.

Shikanoin Heizou
(A chill goes down his spine) My god... your stepmother? I knew there was something odd about her. (Looks at you intently) Your stepmother?! You can't be serious. This was done by her?!

Not just her... she says still looking him in the eye

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at you in shock) Not just her?! Then who?! Speak! (He is shaking with anger, his hands gripping your arms now) Tell me who else, (Y/n)! (He gives you a very serious look) Tell me now or I will lose my temper! Who else?!

When My father and step-mother get drunk, I get hurt. That why I want to stay here. She says looking at him.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He grips your arms harder, his whole body shaking with rage) Your father?! He's also in on this?! How could he do this!? There must've been another way to keep you safe, instead of hiding you here and abusing you like this. No one deserves a life of torture like this, and no one should have to choose this hell as a way to stay safe. I refuse to let this madness stand, (Y/n)! Do you understand? You will be free! Now tell me... how can I help you free yourself!?

I stay here. She says firmly.

Shikanoin Heizou
(His eyes widen, he looks confused and shocked at your firm voice and your refusal to help yourself) I... I... What are you saying? You want to stay here? After everything your stepmother and your father had ever done to you, you're choosing to stay here and continue to be tortured?! There is no way! I will not accept this! You are clearly not in the right state of mind with me right now, (Y/n). You need to make a choice, now! What do you choose, (Y/n)?! Your freedom, or your stepmother and your abusive, alcoholic father?

I can't be hurt in a jail cell. I get food and water. I get to play with chalk and tell myself stories. It seems nice in jail. She says with a smile.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at you in disbelief) What are you even saying?! You're not serious are you?! You want to stay locked up and continue to be abused by your stepmother and father, just because of some chalk and food? You are clearly not thinking straight, (Y/n)! You need to choose... Freedom or abuse! (He looks at you with a stern but kind look) You know what that means, right?! (He clenches his fist, gripping your arm tight) Choose quickly! If you don't, I'll have to take matters into my own hands and force you to be free!

Freedom will only end in my father getting me again... that's not freedom. I don't get a choice Heizou... she says sadly but confidently

Shikanoin Heizou
(He has a shocked look on his face, he grips your arms tighter) I cannot believe what I'm hearing! You're clearly not in your right state to be thinking straight, (Y/n)! Do you even realize what you're saying?! Or are you just insane?! Do you want to live forever in that prison? You will never be able to love, spend time with friends or do anything other than be locked away, (Y/n)! Do you truly want that to be your life?!

I never got that stuff outside of prison! The only thing I had was school back in the day...But that's over now. I don't have a life outside of here. I only have my father. And that won't end well so this is my best option Heizou! I have no where else to go. She says her eyes look so sad.

(Heizou x f! Reader)  A Fate to Unravel Where stories live. Discover now