Ladoo and pitai?

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Jai dwarkadhish ki,

It's the 12th part of this story.
In this part, you will read what will happen next. I know I upload my story once in a blue moon and I apologise for that because I have been so much engrossed in my academic that I just forgot to upload the next part and I hope I'll keep up to upload next parts soon, see ya.


Meera: OH FISH! How can I forgot that?

(She remembered something, [that I totally don't know *🤦🏻‍♀️* 🙄] then she jumped out of her bed and ran towards rasoi grah {kitchen of palace} and found her anuj's peeking inside the rasoi grah. So she tried to scare them from behind, and was successful in that too)

Meera: BOOH!!

(Making her anuj's jump in scaredom. [BOOM!! Her anuj's got a jump scare from her])

Sahadev and Nakul (scared as hell): JIJI!!

(Meera started laughing hard at this)

Meera (between her laugh): Did you- Did you saw your face. You look the funniest ever.

Sahadev: Stop laughing jiji.

Nakul: We were really scared jiji.

Meera: And why are my anuj's scared?

Nakul: Because, this Mahal {palace} is no lesser than a haunted house.

Sahadev: Yes, I even get a negative vibe from the first day we came here.

(Meera felt sad because, she knows the whole story of Mahabharat but can't tell them or else, she will be breaking the rule of time travel. She can't tell them everything in detail but, she can tell them a riddly answer)

Meera: Don't worry my dear anuj's, I can't tell you whole thing but, I can tell you that. We will stay away from this palace for a long time. Now, let's go and get some food for my bhrata Bheem or else he'll eat your brains.

(They chuckled)

Nakul: Yes, let's go.

(They sneaked inside the rasoi grah and sneaked out with food. They made their way towards, Bheem's chamber and got inside with food in meera's hands. As they planned to prank him by saying, they were caught by mata and can't get food for him)

Bhim: Nakul, Sahadev, you came. Where's the food?

Nakul (with sad look): Bhratashree, mata caught us. While, getting food for you.

Sahadev (with sad look): Yes bhrata, mata caught us and she even restricted us from rasoi grah.

Bheem: You can't even do one thing properly for your bhrata, what type of anuj's are you both.

(Which instantly made Nakul and Sahadev fall in fits of laughter)

Bheem: Why are you both laughing?

(But yet, both of his anuj's were laughing as hell)

Bheem: Now, if you don't stop laughing. I'll kill you

(After hearing this, they controlled their laughter)

Bheem: Now, tell me. Why were you both laughing?

(After hearing this, Meera cane from behind with food in her both hands. Which are hidden behind)

Bheem: Jeevika, what are you doing here in this midnight?

Meera: I cane here, to save my bhrata Bheem from losing weight. (With a smile)

(She then, got both her hands forward, which were grabbing two plates full of ladoo's)

Bheem: LADOO! Jeevika, you brought ladoo's for me. Oh my lovely sister, I love you the most. (With a huge grin)

(He hugged Meera in a bone crushing hug)

Meera: AH!! Bhrata, you are crushing me.

(Nakul and Sahadev laughed again)

(Bheem releases Meera from his bone crushing hug)

Bheem: Come Jeevika, let's eat these tasty ladoo's.

Nakul and Sahadev ( in unison): and what about us?

Bheem: Get some more food. Because, this won't be enough for me.
(Making both of his anuj's frown and his sister giggle)

Nakul: Jahnavi jiji, please save
(Making Meera chuckle)

Meera: bhrata leave them na. Come I'll feed you the ladoo's to three of you.

Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev: YAY!!

( They sat in Bheem's chamber, Meera fed them ladoo's and even they did the same to her. They spent a lot of time together and then his good night's, they left to their chambers and rested till morning)


Aww... That's really cute, siblings time is the best. Now, as you know, she has another brother. So, let's meet him too.

|Hum karte hain kuch prabandh 😁|

Hope you like this part of this story and if yes, then please support by sharing and voting on this part. Hope to see you all in next part until that 'Radhe Radhe ❤️'

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