Meera and her family

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Jai Dwarkadhish ki,

It's the 10th part of this story. In this part, we will meet Meera's family. What will be her reaction? What will be others reaction? Let's see, see ya.


|Dwaparyug, Hastinapur palace|

(Everyone was gathered in rajyasabha {king's court}, they all were talking about, why Aangraj has called everyone in sabha. When King Dhritrashtr, entered the sabha everyone stood up in respect and hailed)

Dhritrashtr: What happen Aangraj? Why did you called everyone in rajyasabha?

Karn: Pranipaat Maharaj, I called everyone for sabha to tell about something really important.

Dhritrashtr: What is it Aangraj?

Karn: Maharaj, I met these ten girls in the forest of Hastinapur, near river Ganga. When I asked them who they are, they said, they are from bhavishya and came here to find someone.
(Everyone started gossiping about these girls)

Dhritrashtr: Bhavishya? How is it possible for someone to travel through time?

Oggy: It is possible! We have travelled from bhavishya to here. (In a retrotting manner)

Duryodhan: Is this the way, you talk to the King of Hastinapur? (In anger)

Meera: forgive us shriman, we are from bhavishya and she don't know how to talk to a King. (In a calm tone)

Dhritrashtr: It's okay. But, how can we belive you that, you all came from bhavishya?

Meera: We know it's a bit weird to think about traveling in past and if you don't belive us then, the time machine which helped us to travel here is still in the river of Ganga. You can send someone to check, if you want to. (With a sweet smile)

(Dhritrashtr sent some soldiers to check, if the time machine is there or not. If yes, then get it here)

Dhritrashtr: Aangraj said, that you all came here to find someone. Who are they?

Meera: Actually, I came here to find my family. We came here with the help of a stone, which was with me as the last memory of my family. (Which lit up Kunti's face)

Dhritrashtr: Did you find them? And how can you come this far by just, a stone?

Oggy: Actually Maharaj, we have an option and we can use it by placing an item of past. So, we can go to the time from which it belongs to.

Vidur: That's really unique!

Vasu: It is mahamantri ji. {main minister of king's court}

Bhishma: Can we see that stone?

Meera: Sure, Maha mahim! {Bhishma}

(She took out her chain, which she got from time machine before leaving that place. After, setting that stone locket, tears left Kunti's eyes and yudhishthir, Bhim and Arjun recognised her)

(Priyamvada saw that, kunti was crying)

Priyamvada (worried): Rajkumari {king's daughter}, what happened? Why are you crying?

Kunti (between her sobs): she-she is my daughter, she is my Prasidhi, my Chandrika.

(Gandhari heard it and was shocked to hear that. Suddenly, a munivar {Sage} came there)

Munivar: Pranipaat Mahamahim, Pranipaat Maharaj, Pranipaat Mahamantri.

(They all got up from their aasan {seat} and greeted the munivar)

Dhritrashtr: How can we help you munivar?

Munivar: Maharaj, I don't want my help. I just came here to tell you that, this girl is none other than Rajkumari Meera of Hastinapur.
(Which made everyone shocked except Kunti, Yudhishthir, Bhim and Arjun)

Dhritrashtr (shocked): How is it even possible munivar? I just have one daughter and her name is Dushala. Coming to my brother Pandu, he doesn't even have a daughter. He only have five sons, then how is she a Rajkumari of Hastinapur?

Munivar (in a calm tone): Maharaj, she is daughter of Swargiya {who died} Maharaj Pandu. Mahadev and Devi Shakti, blessed them with a daughter from chandradev. But, her life was in a grave danger and that's the reason why, she was transported away from everyone in Kaliyug. Swargiya Maharaj Pandu, Rajmata Kunti, Swargiya Maharani Madri, all the gods and munivar's knew about this. Even Rajkumar Yudhishthir, Rajkumar Bhim and Rajkumar Arjun too knew about this.
(At this point, everyone's were teary. Suddenly, Mahamahim got up from his aasan)

Bhishm: Even I and Vidur, knew about this.
(Making others even more shocked)

Vidur (to Meera): But before that, we want the proof about it.
(Who was still in shock)

Munivar: The locket, that is in her hand is made up of Moon stone. What else do you even want as a proof Mahamantri?

(Kunti got up from her seat and ran towards Meera, she hugged her tight and cried too)

Kunti (between her sobs): I am sorry putri, I am sorry to keep you far away from all of us, I shouldn't have done so. But, now you are back, no one can apart us.
(Now, Meera understood everything. So, she hugged her mother back and started crying too)

Meera (between her sobs): No mata {mother}, don't apologise to me. (Making kunti look at her) Because, no mother will harm their child. A mother can do anything to protect her child.
(With a smile, making Kunti proud)

(This small meet up of mother and daughter made everyone's eyes teary, they all hailed to Princess Meera)

Dhritrashtr: Putri, you are really a blessing to Hastinapur. Now, you and your sakhi's {friends} should go to your respective kaksh's {chamber} to rest.

(They were on the way to their chamber's with Kunti)

Kunti: Come putriyon {daughter's}. I'll introduce you to everyone.

(Kunti introduced Meera and her friends to everyone and at last, they came to Pandu putr's {son's of Pandu}. As they came there)

Kunti: Putri, these are your Bhrata's an-
(Kunti was cutted off by chirping Meera)

Meera: Matashree, let me guess my Bhratashree's names.

Kunti (chuckled): Sure putri, you can guess your Bhratashree's and Anuj's names too.

(Making Meera and her friends surprise)

Meera (surprised): I have Anuj's too.

Kunti (chuckled): Yes, you have two Anuj's.

(Now, Meera know who her Anuj's are)

Meera: OK! Let me start......


Oopsie's, I am not that sweet, you know. To complete the part of brothers and sister's love, right now. So, we will read that in next part. See you all in next part.

Hope you like this part of this story and if yes, then please support by sharing and voting on this part. Hope to see you all in next part until that 'Radhe Radhe ❤️'

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