Melt down part 2 (3)

Start from the beginning

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at you once again, and looks at you disappointingly) So this is the only way out you can see, huh? You've given up on yourself, and you want to be a prisoner for the rest of your life, with no chance of redemption or freedom. Is that what you want, (Y/n)? Is this what you want for yourself?! (He asks you with a stern look) Tell me the truth, (Y/n)? Is this really you?! Do you want to continue living in that prison, wasting your life away?! (He grips your arms tightly) Answer me, (Y/n)!

ITS MY BEST OPTION! She says sternly.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at you with a very serious look) Alright then, you have made your choice. If you truly believe that this is the best option for you and that you want to waste away your life in prison instead of being free, then that is fine by me... but I want you to know this, (Y/n). You can either choose to stand by this choice, knowing that you'll spend the rest of your days trapped in prison. You might've given up on yourself, but I haven't given up on you... yet. Is that understood?! (His grip on your arms becomes tighter)

She smiled at him.
It won't be forever just a 2 years. She says smiling.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at you with a cold stare) 2 years of suffering will be enough for you? You can just waste away 2 whole years of your precious life, being tortured and getting injured by your abusive stepmother and your drunken father... just so that they can be imprisoned? Is this really what you want, (Y/n)? (He grips your arms even tighter, looking at you with a cold stare) You're telling me you want to do this instead of having your freedom back?!


How do I escape?

If I'm free I'm hurt

If I stay I'm hurt

What should I do...

She gives him a hurt look she been hurt so many times.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at you with sympathy, as you can clearly see a very pained look on his face) (Y/n)... (He holds your hands and you can see some tears in his eyes) No matter what happens, just remember... I always have your back. Always. (He looks at you with a very kind look) I'll protect you from anything... from anyone, ok (Y/n)?! (He grips your arms even tighter, looking at you with a very serious look) This is not just 2 years of your life you're wasting away, (Y/n)... this is your entire future we're talking about!

But if I leave my father will hurt me... she says she can't look at him anymore.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks straight at you) (Y/n) do you really believe this?! Do you really believe that whatever you do, you will always be hurt?! Do you really not want to take back your freedom and live your life?! You may be hurt if you leave, but it will be temporary! You will eventually heal, and you can choose to do whatever you want! But to continue living in the prison to escape the pain, that is a choice that will hurt you forever, (Y/n). (He stares at you, with a very pained look) Do you really choose that?! Do you really choose to hide away in a prison?!

I-I don't know...

She says her face shows distress.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at you with pain but firmness in his eyes) (Y/n), tell me please. Do you choose to hide away in prison, or do you choose to fight for your freedom? It's time to really answer this to yourself, you will not get another chance, (Y/n). Tell me what you choose.

I'm not scared to fight them... but there my family... she says sadly

Shikanoin Heizou
(He nods) And that's perfectly understandable. Just because they're family, doesn't mean you need to forgive them for what they've done to you. You have a choice to either let your family off easy and stay in prison forever, or fight for your freedom. (He gives you a very stern look) So what will you choose, (Y/n). Will you stay in prison forever and continue to be tortured? Or will you choose to fight for your freedom, regardless of what they've done and how they've hurt you?

They both sound equally miserable... can I flip a coin? She says not knowing what to do.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at you disappointed) Fine, you can flip a coin. But I want you to be prepared to face the consequences, (Y/n). If you're going to choose freedom, you'd better mean it. Freedom comes with a price, and do not dare ask me to rescue you if things go south. But if you choose the other option, you will stay with them in prison forever. It's time, (Y/n)... choose one. Your choice will affect the other, and this choice will affect the rest of your life. There is no going back. Choose.

You flip a coin and the wind blows slightly... Freedom it is.

She looks at the coin but she has determination.

Then that settles it. I'm going to kick my parents butts! She then nods at Heizou determined.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He gives a very stern look) So you have chosen to fight back. You have chosen to take back your freedom by force if needed, right? I want to make this clear, there is no going back from this choice, (Y/n). Do you understand? (He gives you another very stern look) This is a serious matter. There will be consequences for your actions, good or bad. But if you do go through with this... (he grips your hands tightly) you will have your freedom back, and I will always stand by your side.

She nods

I wonder what freedom like... she then looks at him and smiles determinedly.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He nods) Freedom is a wonderful thing, and you'll find out soon. I just want you to remember something, no matter what happens, I will always be on your side. (He looks at you, with a warm and kind smile) I'll make sure you find your freedom, (Y/n). Is that understood?! I promise you this, (Y/n).

She gives him a kind smile.

Thank you Heizou... I could not have done this without you.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He smiles back at you) Don't thank me yet (Y/n), the battle hasn't even begun. This is just the prelude, the beginning of your fight. (He grips your hands, and gives you a very warm smile) It will be a challenging battle, and I know it won't be easy. But no matter what happens, I'll always have your back. Don't forget this, (Y/n). I will ALWAYS have your back.

She smiles warmly and nods and waved Heizou goodbye as he leaves going to get her out of prison. (He had to do the paperwork first and a court case)


Hellllllooo :D

Enjoying the story!

Did you question (Y/n) sanity when she flipped a coin to make big life choices!
-low key I would have done that though-

Remember to tell me if you see any grammar mistakes! Just comment on the section that needs to be fixed!

Anyways see you in the next chapter

(Heizou x f! Reader)  A Fate to Unravel Where stories live. Discover now