Chapter 12 - Duplicate

Start from the beginning

Rule: Players are now trapped in the museum. The key to the door is in a vault. You only have 1 chance to put the code, if the code is wrong, then the museum will explode. When the time limit is reached and you didn't find the code, then you're locked here until your VISA expires.

Everyone panicked so i glanced at them, they stopped talking and focused on the game when they saw me looking.

Clear Condition: The players are given a clue to find the code. If you found and answered where the clue is located, then you might have found the code.


Time Limit: 1 hour


My eyes landed on the vault near the door.
"Hmm, interesting." I said before looking around. It's a big museum but the other doors are locked to you can't come inside. The room where we are in are not that simple, it has another furnitures. Decorations, i guess?

They walked towards us. "U-uhh, we should gather since this is a team game right?" The lady asked and the others agree.

Then suddenly, the white table lit up, making me go there closely. And the other's followed. A piece of paper is in there, the riddle. I waited for someone to read the riddle, and it's Heiya.

"Read it loudly," I said.

"When you are feeling hungry, Then you will often eat at this, When you are playing ping pong, it comes before the word 'tennis'"

"Table," Both me and the foreigner said while the others looked for a table. "There's five table in this room!" The guy shouted.

I walked slowly to the tables while the others followed me. "Are you guys a dog? Stop following me and check the other tables." I said while my eyes are still on the table.

"Ah, she's so cool." I heard Heiya whispered.

I looked at the bottom of the table if there's any clue there, and saw nothing. I quickly but calmly walked to the other table. None.


The three tables i checked doesn't have anything. "There's also nothing in here!" The woman said.

"Here too...." The other girl whispered.

The five tables in this room have nothing, unless....

I go to the white table, the lights on the table turned off. I got the paper and saw a little words in there. I got my phone before pointing it to the table so I can read it, then in reveals something.

"Another clue!" They cheered. The brightness of the phone made the code visible since the table is plastic and not wood like the tables on the other games usually have.

"If you drop me I'm sure to crack, but give me a smile and I'll always smile back." I read carefully.

"A mirror?" Heiya asked and I nodded. They start to find a mirror but there's nothing in this room. It's impossible tho since they wouldn't give a clue without the actual thing.

30 minutes before the game ends.

Then, Heiya's metal 'foot' shine. I looked at where the metal has reflected and saw a little mirror in the window, hanging there like a painting. We're not close to it so we didn't noticed, plus it's a small mirror. The size of my fist.

We got closer to it and saw that it was a mirror with a compartment inside. I opened it and saw another paper.

"I'm something that is often round but I'm not a pizza base, I have hands but don't have fingers and have numbers on my face." I read it loudly.

"Oh shit..."

They got worried because they don't know but i kept thinking what it possibly was. Hands but doesn't have a finger.... Numbers on my face and often round...

Then, my eyes landed on the big clock. I smirked before letting the others think. Let's see who has the smartest mind in them.

25 minutes remaining.

"Ugh, you guys took so long." I rolled my eyes before walking to the big clock, opening it's head and found another code.

The others gasp before walking towards my direction. "It's a clock!" Heiya said. Yeah, obviously.

I quietly opened the piece of paper before reading it silently.

'What has words but never speaks?"

They looked at it too before reading it. "A book?" The lady asked and I smiled at her. This is a easy riddle so I guess anyone might've figured it out fast.

"But there's only one book here... It's on the chair earlier, but it's missing." Heiya said and I nodded, I noticed it too when I first arrived here. "It's a small book, anyone who hides it, will get killed." I warned.

"How will you do that?" The man nervously asked. I smirked, he's only the one who's nervous so he obviously stole it. "Hmm... Let's say we're all gonna die here if you don't give it to me, but you'll die first." I grabbed my little knife before pointing it to him, making everyone gasp.

"It's not me! I promised!" He stepped backwards until he bumped into the wall, making the book fell. The looks on others were dissappointment, me too. I've never had a clubs game before. I didn't expect anyone in this game will betray?

"I'll ask you something. Why did you do that?"

"I-i...." Then, his eyes darkened. "These games killed my friend! Everyone needs to die too!" He shouted while crying. The pain is visible in his voice. But it's not an enough reason to risk our lives.

"Hmmm... Then how do you know that we need this book?" I asked, raising my brow.

"I've played this game before..." Ha, so this is what the duplicate cards meant.

"And you wanted to kill all of us, just because your friend died? How pathetic." I said before ripping my top. Heiya come closer before grabbing the man's both arms. "Help us! This guys is dangerous, he might kill us all." She said, making the others come closer before putting the man's arms behind him. I tied the cloth around his arms so he wouldn't let go.

15 minutes before the game ends.

"We have not enough time, you two, watch him while we solved the code." I told the foreigner and the woman. They nodded before pulling the man away.

I quickly opened the book. But it's empty.. I grabbed my phone before pointing it at the book pages one by one. Then, we found a little words. 'TEAMWORK'

"It's not a riddle, so maybe this is the code!" The lady screamed before going to the vault. Her smile faded when she saw that it requires a passcode, obviously. Does she doesn't know that vaults required numbers.

"Who has a pen?" I asked.

The girl with long hair gave me one. I quickly wrote the 'teamwork' by their alphabetic positions. "T.... 20," I wrote it down.

"E.... 5."

"A.... 1."

"M.... 13."

"W.... 23."

I smirked when I'm done writing. 20, 5, 1, 13, 23, 15, 18, 11. It requires a 8 digit code so I pressed the code based on their first number on the vault and I smiled when it opened, revealing the key to the door.

I called the others before walking to the door. I put the key then the door opened. I smiled. That's easy, only if someone don't stole the book, we should've end this game faster.



Words: 1812

Reckless - Chishiya Shuntaro Where stories live. Discover now