"Have you seen Jake!?"

Renee questioned Jess.

"Now that you asked I realized that I didn't see him since yesterday. He wasn't home for sure. I tried calling him but he didn't answer.May be we will him in.class. Do not fret over him. He must be busy knocking some girl. "

I agreed as Jake was a major player. He was famous so girls practically threw themselves at him. But Renee was a little worried about him as she thought that after their talk yesterday he seemed a little off.

The bell rang and both of them went to their first class.


Renee sat in her last class for the day. She wasbored out ofher mind.She hated math with a passion. She was more a biology girl.She wanted to train under.Dr.Janet, the pac doctor. She had already spoken to her about her intrest. Dr. Janet was more than happy to find a young enthusiast. She also wanted to go to college to get a proper medical degree. The closet collge was a two hour drive to the next town. It was a human town with no weres. Her grandparents approved of it but now she had to ask Damien about it. And she already knew his answer would be a negation. She was going to be the next Luna and sge had responsibilities now.

As the chime of the bell signaled the end of the boring class, Renee quickly made her way out of the class in hopes of seeing Jake. She was yet to see Jake in school. May be there was sonething important going around. Jake was one of the best fighters their pack had. As she made her way out of the building, she spotted Damien casually leaning against his car. She was happy to see him but his expression looked gloomy. She had planned to ask Jess to drop her to the pack house but now he was here. So she had to change her plans and ride with him and shecould see Jess sucking face with Josh near her car. Typical of Jess. !

She slowly made her way towards his car and smiled a genuine smile.He gave her a smile too but it did not reach his eyes. She quickly made her way to her seat and buckled up.

He sat in the car & started it. He was usnusually quite today. His cocky persona had sewmed to have taken a backseat. Renee made an effort to start a conversation."How was your day today Damien.?""It was okay "

"You know you should not have wasted your tine to pick me up. I could have taken a ride with Jess"

He chuckled and said "You are my responsibilty baby. It is not a waste of time for me to pick you up " He smiled at her genuinely

It was a short drive to the pack house. She made her way out of the car. "You go ahead I just wanted to have a word with Dr. Janet "

"Are you okay. ? Did something happen in school. ?"

"Oh no everythings fine I just have to talk to her. I won't be there for long. "

"Ya okay " Damien said. As she was about to turn to go to the clinic Damien pulled her against his body and held her tight. Her face went to the crook of his neck and she inhaled his scent. He nibbled at her neck. This felt so right. Being in his arms was the greatest feeling ever. "Don't be long hon"Damien said to her in a husky tone. She merely nodded and gave him a peck. He growled at that. "Later Alpha. Be patient. "

She said teasingly. She was surpised at her own sudden surge of confidence. She was flirting with him. Damieb just looked at her with a smirk. His made had a spark within which she tried to hide under the shy girl act. "I will be waiting babygirl"He replied playfully.

She quicky entered the pack house and made her way towards te small clinic located behind it.

No sooner had she entered the clinic, she could smell Jake. She was perplexed as he hated coming to the clinic. As she made the way inside. She found him lying in the bed as Dr. janet was cleaning up his wounds. He lokked like he had been knocked up pretty bad. Werewolfs healed faster but the wounds had to be cleaned soas to prevent infection. Dr.Janet sensed her presence as she turned towards her. "Renee may be you should stand out for some time. I will be right back."Renee did not pay heed as she made her way towards him. She could not stop the tears from flowing. Jake was her best friend. He was always there for her. Jake saw her and gave her a wry smile. "Oh my god. What happened.? I was so worried when I did not see you today in school. "Renee sobbed as she held his hands in her."

"Oh come on Rey. I am a big guy. This was just a random fight. Don't worry I am okay. "

"Who did you fight with and why? " Renee frantically asked him.

Dr.Janet had finished her work so she headed out of the room.

"Renee baby I am fine please stop crying. I am fine see look at me I am okay. "He tried to passify her as she clung to him and sobbed.

"It was him, wasn't it?.Damien did this. You would not have stood a chance against him. "

"Renee forget about it okay. "

"Damnit I cannot. You ar special to me and he has to accept it. He can't just treat you like this." Renee said emotionally.

" Renee he is an Alpha it is natural for him to be overprotective "

"I do not care what he is.

I am so sorry. This happened because of me. "

Renee sobbed in his arms for sometime. She was glad that she could went out her frustation.

"You should go to the pack house. " Jake Said. Renee just nodded her head and said. "Are you sure you will be okay ".

"Ya Rey I called Nolan to come and pick ne up and see the bruises are already disappearing"

"Ya ok. I will call you okay Jake. Please take care. "she said and left the clinic. She made her way to Damien's room. He had no right to do what he did. That is why he seemed so angry in tge car today. She had to give him a piece of her mind. She won't let him push her around like a puppet. She knocked on his door and it opened almost immidiately. He was smiling at her. But when he saw her giving him a hard dirty look the grin fell off his face. He moved aside to let her in. He closed the door behind and asked "Are you ok? "

Renee could no longer control the rage as she yelled at him "How dare you ask me whetherI am ok! You have no bloody right to fight with Jake. If you have a problem with our friendship then talk to me. But don't include him in our problems. He is my best friend. He is special to me because he was there when I need someone the most. You were not there. You don't even know me and you claim to love me. But I think you are a hypocrite. I don't think that you love me because you have hurt me the most by doing this. "

Damiens wolf surfaced as he said" Show me some respect. You are my mate but still I am your Alpha. That boy had to know his place. He fucking touched you. No one has the right to touch you. You are mine "

Renee could not believe his audacity. She could not take this anymore."I don't want to talk to you. Do not call me or come to my house.I am your mate and not some possession. "

She turned to leave but he was fast ;he pinned her to the wall and kissed her roughly. The kiss was rough and raw. He was showing his dominance. She tried to push him off her but failed to even budge him. He started kissing her neck and sucking at the spot where he wanted to bite her. She was scared. She knew ge was going to mark her. She again tried to push him off. She used all her strength but still he continued nibbing at her neck. She started crying and begged him to stop. On hearing her cries he snapped out of his rage and suddenly pulled away from her. Renee yanked open the door and fled downstairs and went into the woods. She changed into her beautiful silver white wolf and made her way to her house. She heard him in her mind telling her to stop. 'If you love, stay away please 'She replied.

She heard his painful howl as she neared her home. She climed through the window. She collapsed on the floor of her room. She was drained both mentally and physically. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep hoping for a better tomorrow.


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