'There it is again, what am I forgetting?' Inko thought confused

She frowns while drinking her tea, that nagging feeling kept coming and going through the entire 2 months so far

She shakes off the feeling and smiles at the sight in front of her

Her baby, Izuku she had named him, was now a month old and he was the most adorable baby ever

Tenko has been fully excepted as family but he really wanted to keep his last name, for some reason

Right now Tenko was poking little Izuku's cheeks while he slept

'That reminds me Mitsuki and little Katsuki should be here soon' she gets up and goes to the kitchen

Just as the a knock on the door was heard she finally remembered what that nagging feeling wanted her to remember

"Those strange rumours about Endeavour" she mumnled quietly

Another knock breaks her out of her thoughts and she is quick to welcome the others

/Later that day/

"Finally all the brats have gone to sleep" Mitsuki sighed out

Her husband nods
"Yes now we can catch up a bit"

"Forget catching up, Inko you are making that face again!" she yelled pointing

Masaru looks closer and nods, his face now serious

Inko blushes from embarrassment, her friends know her all to well

"W-well u-umm before I- I uh found Tenko  I heard some rumours about the number 2 Hero and it was disturbing"

The two nod asking her to explain more and that is what she did

"I'm not the only one feeling like this isn't some rumour right?"

"No, but if we do this, it has to be the last time we both have kids now we can't afford to fuck around anymore"

Knowing she had their support, she broke down crying

The three made a plan but never got to act on it

Inko had to meet with Ronway in Kamino again but it was bad timing

Her best friend had a work thing to attend and her husband had volunteered to watch over the kids, Tenko now included

Even though it seemed like a logical time for the plan it didn't fit in, so Inko went alone

She met the woman at Coffee shop, near Endeavour supposed home

"He wanted to try and avoid the problem but I talked to him, so don't worry he will keep up his end of the deal"

(A/N this means they are talking in a different language in Ronway's case she uses English words sometimes without knowing it)

"I see, thank you for that" Inko bows her head a bit

"No need I -" Ronway shuts her lips closed

"A storm of rain is coming soon" she said suddenly

"It's a clear sky and the news hadn't mention any rain"

"Oh sorry about that I used my quirk it's-"

"Calculate right?"

"Mmhh it is, recently my quirk has been activating randomly and has been calculating random of things, like the weather just now"

Inko nods

"That's one strange occurrence but if that is true you need to head back to your hotel"

Ronway looks away and thanks Inko for her time she then leaves completely dazed

We Are Strong but They Will be Stronger(DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now