Chapter 7

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(Harry's POV)

"We're on the block now," I say.

"Okay. So what are we gonna do," Ari asks.

"This isn't stalking, but, she's literally always in her backyard doing weird shit like dancing to no music playing, talking to herself all loud and shit. If we got a video of her doing something like that, we can threaten her with it. Then she'll HAVE to keep my situation a secret."

"Good idea. So how do we get the footage? Where can we record so it'll capture her on camera," Ari asks once again.

"Capital Carp Park is right across the street. We can record there."

"Okay let's go."

I drove a little more up the block to get to Capital Carp.

Me and Ari got out of the car and walked up to the swings. We can see a perfect view of Maya's backyard. And of course, she was outback. She's like insane. She does the craziest shit that I don't even want to explain at this point.

Why'd I ever date her?

Anyway, me and Ari looked over to her yard and waited for the craziness to begin. And sure enough, her phone started to ring and she danced to the sound. The song of the ringtone was, "Mrs. All American", by 5 seconds of summer.

"What the fuck haha," Ari whispered with a faint laugh.

When the ringing stopped she didn't look happy.

"What the hell why did it stop? You're supposed to ring off! Ugh!" She yelled.

Ari and I were trying so hard not to laugh. It was funny as hell. If only YouTube or Vine can see this...wait, that's it! That'll be our target!

"Walk my way, Mrs. All American. Say My name, no need to pretend," Maya sang in a low weird voice.

I snickered very quietly.

She was doing all of these weird things. I honestly wonder why. Does she not know she's in public?

Me and Ari got all the footage we need.

All we gotta do is inform Maya. But we can't tell her when it's coming from us.

I turned to Ari.

"Remember that Siri voice you used to do," I ask.

She laughed a little.

"Yeah what about it?"

"We have to call Maya off of *67 to tell her about the recordings but we have to disguise our voices."

"I can still do it. But come on let's get out of here and watch all of this," she laughed.

We walked back to my car and got in.

I didn't feel guilty about anything. Maya has pit me through worse. Now I'm fighting back for myself.

And I was going to win.

Not So Innocent, Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now