- • Chapter 4: Kindergarten • -

Start from the beginning

"I want what Butch is having!" Boomer shouted, also turning around in his chair.

"Boomer, you don't like peanut butter.." Frost replied, grabbing a few bananas from the fruit bowl.

"Yes I do!" Boomer argued, crossing his arms over the chair, pouting.

"The last time you tried peanut butter, you spat it out and said you didn't like it." Frost explained, walking back over to the counter with the toast.

"Well, that was last time! I like peanut butter now!" Boomer continued to argue, completely ignoring the fact that he indeed, did not like peanut butter. At all. Frost sighed.

"Alright, but if you don't like it, it's on you. Brick, what would you like?" Frost said, beginning to make their toast.

"Can I have that yogurt stuff again?" Brick asked, resting his hand on his cheek.

"Yogurt parfait?" Frost replied, going over to grab a few small bowls.

"Yeah." He mumbled in reply. Frost grabbed a dark blue and red bowl, then grabbed 2 smaller blue ones, and then went over to grab the yogurt, granola, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries before returning to the counter. Frost put some yogurt into the red and dark blue bowls, then poured the granola and fruits into the red bowl on top of the yogurt, while he put the granola and fruits into two separate smaller bowls for the dark blue bowl of yogurt.

"Hey, did you boys know that strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and mulberries aren't actually berries, yet bananas, pumpkins, cucumbers and grapes are?" Frost said to the 3 boys, as he prepared their breakfast.

"What?! If they aren't berries, then why the heck do they have berries in their name?!" Butch shouted in disbelief, almost knocking his chair over from shock.

"Wait, but blueberries are actual berries right?! RIGHT?!!!" Boomer shouted just as loud, if not louder. His eyes were widened in shock and worry.

"Don't worry, blueberries are also actual berries." Frost reassured, bringing over the boys' breakfast, placing down the bowls and plate in front of them. Brick's yogurt parfait, Boomer and Butch's toast. They began eating their food, yet, as to Frost's expectations, Boomer indeed did not like peanut butter and banana toast. Frost could tell by the face Boomer pulled right after taking his first bite.

"Wanna swap?" Frost offered, even though he had purposefully made another yogurt parfait for Boomer.

"..Yes please." Boomer replied, giving his plate back to Frost, who gave him the bowls of the separated yogurt parfait in return.


Once they arrive at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.. 8:15 AM


Frost got out of the car and opened the door for the Boys. The boys grabbed their bags and got out of the car.

"Want me to walk you boys to the door?" Frost asked, looking at the boys. Brick nodded his head, slight nervousness settling in. Ms Keane waited at the front of the kindergarten door. Frost walked the boys to Ms Keane.

"Oh, Hello Boys. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm your teacher, Ms Keane." Ms Keane said in a professional voice.

"Hi, I'm Boomer!" Boomer said loudly, introducing himself.

"I'm Butch!" Butch introduced, shouting.

"And who are you?" Ms Keane asked, squatting down to look at Brick.

"I'm Brick.." He said quietly, holding onto Frost's leg. He never did well in social situations. Or, social situations where he had to be nice or not mean.

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