
130 13 1

You wake up.

It's another day.

You turn on your computer to see that "game".

You decide to speed through it, in order to complete it quickly.


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You hear music starting to play..backwards?

You wake up and brush your teeth. You look at the mirror.

You just want to get this done.

Your tongue burns from something, you cough.

Do you?

You see tears in your eyes.

What do you do first?


You leave your home and feel the wind. You catch a leaf in your hand.

[Crush it]<-----

[Throw it away]

You crush it.

Pieces of the leaf are still in your hand.

It seems like some of the pieces have cut your hand.


You walk towards the park entrance, hoping to see someone.

You sit on a bench, the same one you sat on yesterday.

You look at the scenery at the park, it seems much less lively than you remember.

The people who used to frequent there are gone.

You see a piece of paper on the bench, there were numbers on it.

You type it in your phone. You message it.

What do you message?


[Who are you?]<-----


  " Who are you? "     >


You turn off your phone, regretting even looking at the number.

It was probably for someone else.

You continue to do whatever you do on that bench.

You hear your phone ding.

Do you check it?



You didn't check your phone, but you could feel a sense of dread.

But something is different..


  "Hi " >

< "Who are you?"

< "What's your name?"

  "F" >

< "F? How did you get my number?"

"You left it on the bench." >


You hear footsteps coming near you.

It's Mikoto!

"How did you get my number?!" You could see the confusion on his face.

"You left it on the bench."

You reach out your hand to show him the paper but it's gone.

"It's gone."

"Then how-"





"How about I take you on a date?"


His face turned red. It's either by embarrassment or anger, you can't tell.

"I think you look mad."

"You think?!"

What do you do?

[Convince him]<-----

[Leave it be]

"I'll pay for it! Anything you like, I will pay for it!"

You hope money works..

"I can pay for myself, thank you."

It doesn't.

What do you do?

[Convince him]

[Leave it be]<-----

"Fine, I'll go the bakery opening myself."

"The bakery opening?"

Yes! It seems like he's interested.

"Just a really famous one, No Big Deal."

"That bakery?"


"-sigh- Fine. You're paying, right?

"Oh, yeah.." You guess he remembered your last promise.

You turn on your phone and search "No Big Deal" in google maps.

Wait, that's the bakery's name?

Let's see if he'll like you much better than before.


You minimize the game and start school.

Your school isn't all that special, you have your own schedule and could learn it all online.

You finish your day.

You ate well and drank well, nothing special.

You get ready for bed and lay in bed for an hour until you doze off completely.

Good Night

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