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Downloading...Downloading.. Reading Files... File Corrupted!

"What?" You mutter to yourself.

It seems that the game you tried to download was corrupted...

You look back on the game's page.

You see that there is another download, it was a text file.

You assumed it was a walkthrough so you ignored it before..

It was actually the dialogue of the entire game. Since it was a visual novel you don't mind reading the text file instead of playing the game.

How sad, you don't get to enjoy the "visual" part of a visual novel.

You decide to start reading and stop stalling.

It looks like you're just reading a book...

You click the fullscreen option at the corner of your window.

Suddenly, music started playing. It was just your average cute background music with the occasional loud wind that broke your emersion.

You see a menu option at the top, you click it.

It acts like an ordinary menu, with all sorts of options like music volume, sound effect volume...


There's something different. There were two different options you've never seen before..

[Scroll Speed]


Scroll Speed? What is that?

You don't touch it.

There's another option, another different option..

[Reload] (i)

You click the "i".

[Reload] (i) <----- Reload your last gameplay

Is there another save you don't know about? Are your saves also impacting others text files?

While attempting to scroll manually in the text file, you accidentally click [Reload].

Your text file closes and opens up again.

It's new. Or is it old?

You attempt to close the window to start again but you could only minimize it.

You open your files application. It's not there. Task Manager doesn't work.

Is this a virus? But your computer should've warned you already.

You restart your computer. The file is still open and running.

You shut down your computer and reopen it. Same thing.

You plug out your computer and plug it in again. Same thing.

You could get it fixed but you don't have the money. Your information is also still in there.

There was no other choice.

You felt forced to make a choice you didn't want to make.

And you're going to feel that a lot.

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