chapter 10: vultures and queens

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Maisys's pov

" hello?" i heard it echo on as the abyss crept more and more. Thats when i heard a knife scratching on what sounded like a peice of metal or even concrete. I slowly crept towards it. And what i saw was the most terrifying thing ever.

I felt my eyes become a heavily grog. I saw a bright light, and tried to move my head to see my surroundings, i asked, " wh-where am i?" thats when i heard, " maisy?" i saw a blurry version of zilas beside me, and i asked, " z-zilas? where - where am i?" he sighed, holding back what was impretual tears, " your in the hospital my love. There was an accident. Ill explain later but ill go get a doctor."

He soon left my side but was back in a flash. The doctor started asking, " miss. Can you hear me?" i moved away from him, " yes, i can hear you just fine. Will someone explain what is going on right now?"

The doctor checked the machines and soon sat down in a chair, " miss, you were in a tragic accident. You have been in a coma for a few months." he held his head low. " how long?" they both went quiet, i growled, " how long?!" zilas held my hand, " four months. You were gone for four months."

I felt tears shed down my face, " you had a tremendous blow to the head causing a server concussion. Along with a tremendous amount of blood loss and your lungs filled with fluid from the smoke. Your vitals seemed to be okay, but for the next few months you may have to take a bit of therapy."

I questioned, " why is that doctor?" i soon felt my entire leg in what felt to be a metal contraption. I ripped the blanket off my lower abdomen and saw a cast on my ankle and a brace upon my knee, " explain to me what happened right now or i will have your head."

And so the doctor did explain. The fire caused floor boards and stability to fall on my leg. It caused server burns to a third degree, some may scar, but it caused my ankle to break clean, and wood chips to the inner part of my bone structure. But it broke with glass shards and either way i had to have surgery and stitches galore. But recovery will help ill get my knee back to normal along with my four broken ribs.

Half a month later

" god i cant wait to get out of this hospital. Its becoming a prison." zilas soon came in with a stuffed teddy bear, a bag and a bouquet of flowers. " clothes are in the bag and i got this for you because i thought they may make your day better." He is truly the sweetest. But i looked in the bag and went to the bathroom to change. 

he even gave me his favorite hoodie. I immediately put it on with a pair of slip on flats. The nurse came in with the discharge papers and we were able to go.

Back home

The pack house

So while i was " away" zilas grabbed a few things from my dorm thanks to lauren. And he insisted on me staying for a few days. Just till i feel better. Im worried honestly. Things do seem to be getting better but are they truly though? I saw my parents as angels, zilas may not be a wolf but maybe something more. And what if i am as well? I met a few people of the pack prior to this accident that was because of school though.

The rest of them seemed to be polite but also like regular wolves. Theres a few who act like daddys princesses. But its whatever. They dont mess with me i wont to them. His parents seem to be very tense due to that i am here. But his mom she seems to love me, she did mention one time about grandpups but that is off the board at the moment. Zilas and i have only had sex a few times. And even then we havent brought up the topic of kids. I dont even know if he would want kids.

Im terrified of what would happen if i were to loose one. What would zilas think of me if that were to happen. Would he hate me, disown me, reject me? Its all these what ifs that scatter my brain with the fear of it. Yes kids are adorable at times but i don't know on the topic at the moment.

We made it inside and gently hobbled to the kitchen, zila's mom greeted me with hugs, " hi hun, i hope you are okay. Zilas told me what happened. You are a brave warrior and a strong young woman." i smiled shortly, " thank you luna." i can only fake a smile at the moment because of what happened. But the terror that came after.

For the past nights ive laid sleepless awake in fear, the nightmares occur of me or zilas dying at the hands of the masked. I dont know what it means but it is the most terrifying thing of the unknown ive dealt with.

I was unsure of what to do. These past few days ive experienced nothing like the rest, my body because a roaring heat, and at times my eyes become this sunset orange. Ever since that night i have been a startled bunny. I go to therapy but even then it doenst help. Like what do i do to make this madness stop?

Late nights i lie awake. Waiting for my soul to perish. What will become of us? One thing that will forever be on my mind is my parents death. I know i dont mention it often, but their death stained my soul. The cops didnt find shit on the homicde killer. Why them only? Why did the killer take my parents innocent light?

They did nothing wrong. Between those nightmares and the new ones my mind is a cage of stress and anti social insecure anxiety filled demons. Maybe a nap would help this?

Few hours later

I got up in a cold sweat. But was entirely parched, like i havent had anything to drink or have the taste of water for days. I got up putting on my slippers and robe. I grab a light and head downstairs to the kitchen.

In the kitchen

I grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it with water from the fridge with icecubes. I soon heard, " well well? Up a little late arent we?" i dropped the glass hearing it shatter on the floor. " im so sorry, ill clean it up. Who are you exactly?"

She had this meniachel laugh to her. " oh hun, you should know me. We met at zilas's coronation. It was a beautiful ceremony." she took a few steps closer to me, i soon saw the glisten of the metal, she weilded a butcher knife.

" oh my apolgoies, you were the one in the black channel fransico dress right?" she nodded stepping a few feet closer, " its a real shame what happened to your parents." i furrowed my brows, " how do you know about my parents?" she claimed, " it was all over the news. Couple killed in a skydiving accident. There death was truley a tragedy. Too bad he could of avoided it."

She looked at the blade with a evil side, " yep they both could of avoided it, lionel was just so stupid back then. He promised me that we would be together forever. But no, he had to choose her."

She soon removed her hood and mask, " but no they soon had you a plentiful do good daughter." " be-" she soon weilded the knife ready to stab------

End of dream

I woke up in a cold sweat, drenched to the possibility, i tried to wake up zilas but said in shock and fear, " i know who killed my parents."

The end......or is it?

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