chapter 9: flames a blaze and roses burned

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A few moments of silence went on, and nothing was there. No sound, no heart beat, no scent. Just pure silence in the frozen air. I stayed in the panic room for a few minutes then felt a heat like none before. The room was catching fire. But the fire was a red and green with mixtures of blue. Someone was trying to either spell me in or kill me in the process of it. Never in my life have i felt fear and terror i tried to use the back escape door but was greeted by a blood veined vampire, " she was right about you, you are a cute little one."

I felt my fight instincts kick in, i socked her in the jaw and clawed at her thanks to sage, but the worst thing fell through. she grabbed me by my neck, and sunk his fangs into my neck i let out the worst blood curdling scream. And thats when everything became a nightmare to reality.

Four months later

Zilas's pov

"Its been four months. Four, and still no fucking progress." i snapped starin down daxton, " she will make it out of this alive. I know it." i growled, " how!? How do you know she will make it out alive. Shes been in a medical indused coma for four bloody months daxton. Every time we think she will move or even have progress shit goes to hell once again. I failed as a mate. I failed to protect the love of my life. My soulmate. In these few short months they have been the greatest journey of my existence."

I felt tears burn the side of my face dripping from my eyes. I havent heard from zion ever since that night. Every so often i would hear whimpers come from an echo. I am beating myself up over this for months now. That night when i held her in my arms i felt my entire world shatter and come crumbling to the ground.

Four months ago

The night of the fire

" what do you want from us?" the masked figure laughed, " she must die, shes just a petty represntation of her father. He chose that fucking skank over me. OVER ME. i was his one true love. I had to kill them."

I grabbed a sturdy stick and shoved it through her throat. I soon saw flames a blazing burn. The figure soon grabbed me in a choke hold, burning me at my knees. I tried to fight free but soon she grabbed me in the spine punching through to my heart, " you will burn with her. Shes will be with her worthless parents. Dismembered and burned."

I bit into her arm tearing out a chunk. She fell screaming in a scorching pain. I pushed her to the ground. Ripping off the mask i yanked her throat, " tell me exactly why you would come after my mate?" the womans eyes glistned to a hazel golden brown. She painked, " please kill me, i beg of you. I cant escape her. Please alpha i beg of you. Grant me the mercy of the devil.'

something took over- still granting me conrtol, " mercy is for those with no longer a damned soul." i felt the urge to rip her heart out. With the blood dripping down my arm. Now stained with the crimson blood. It turned black and soon into a ray of grey and black ashes.

I heard a blood curdling scream come from the house. Before i was able to reach the door way, i saw a angel like figure carrying a body. It came closer and dropped what was my mates lifeless body into my arms. The figure kissed her forehead and it created a sparkled glow around her body. Then another angel stood next to him.

The one said, " take care of my daughter please. Shes all we had left." the other said, " protect her with your life. Shes in your care now." i soon saw sage and she coughed in and out of consciousness. " in eternum sospitet sibi semper serviat, semper bellatrix et regina." sage returned maisys's body and she groggily questioned, " mom? Dad?" 

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