// alternative ending //

Start from the beginning

"Got you." This feels so surreal, as if I'm just dreaming again about her. "I thought you're really gone forever."

She didn't reply nor moved a muscle, Olivia frozed. She was definitely not expecting to see me. "You got the wrong person." Olivia spoke and broke our embrace, "Olivia..." I called out.

"Let's talk...please."

Is this even real?

Was I dreaming?

"There's nothing to talk about, Matty." She removed my hands that were holding hers and started to walk away.

It's really her.

But I didn't gave up and chased her until she's the one who did. Olivia agreed to have a talk. I brought her to our hideout, the one I told her about back then. And we kept it as our little secret.

Olivia felt uneased, was she having flashbacks of all the bad things I did? "I'm sorry, let's just talk somewhere else." I apologized and was about to guide her on our way out but she stopped. "We'll talk here." Olivia turned her back on me and took a sit on a broken piece of wood. "Nothing changed here, except for all the new mess." I started off, I was obviously trying to lighten up the mood even though she didn't really wanna talk.

"Why did you do it?"

Olivia's POV

"Why did you do it?" The question I've been dying to ask made its way out of my mouth. He was taken aback by my sudden and straight forward questioning. Matty paused for a brief second and answered, "I'm sorry." He started of then continued. "I was stubborn, at first, I wanted to become close to you so that I could use you. But as time went by, it changed. The moment that you were desperately chasing us to get to safety, I thought that If I had you with us—with me, what will happen next? I didn't wanna get involved with you any further romantically because I was scared I will not give you a decent life after that."

The honesty in each and every words he said gave a slight ache to my heart.

"I went back to the beginning, of what was the reason I was trying to get close to you. And that drove me to betray you. It sounds so shitty, I know...and I'm sorry..." Matty began to break down and sob. "No amount of apologies could ever replace that hardships you went through..." He added. Matty was right. I went through a lot after what he did, it even drove me to take my own life.

"I knew from the start that I loved you...until now..."

"If you did, you wouldn't do that." I coldly replied, I was holding back any tears that was starting to escape. "Stop with the bullshit. It's over. Let's not meet ever again." My mouth was being too harsh, but this is one way to protect myself.

"If I have to avoid you or even move out just to not see you again. I would do that." This was way out of line, but I had to do it.

I never meant any of this. After all that he did, I'm so stupid enough to still love him until now. I turned around and began to walk my way out. I didn't wanna leave him.

As I was starting to get farther away, the tears I've been holding back began to fall. I felt Matty's arms wrap around my waist, his forehead resting on my back. I could hear his soft sobbing, "Please...I still love you." that became my breaking point. I finally broke down.

"Matty..." This was so hard, I don't think I could hold back anymore. I was betraying myself. Matty couldn't stop crying, his sincerity was flowing through me. It was pleading for forgiveness.

I turned around and caressed his face, looking straight to his eyes. It was speaking for him, I could read everything through his eyes. "Hush now." I said softly, and started to wipe his tears. "I'm sorry..."

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