"I will work hard," Lin Yuetian said without hesitation, "and I have confidence."

The system was surprised: "? Are you okay again? No, brother, I'm afraid you have never played a positive role in your ten lifetimes. Where did you get this confidence?"

Lin Yuetian said confidently: "As the saying goes, a long illness becomes a good doctor. I believe that my professionalism will help me find this murderer. As long as I operate, discipline him and disarm him, and surrender with courtesy... In short, I do things. do not worry."

"I can rest assured, I can rest assured." The system expressed his opinion politely.

Lin Yuetian returned to the sofa in the studio, took a dozen napkins to wipe his blood stains on the floor, worked from 3:00 am to 4:30 in the morning, and finally settled the scene, sat at the desk and began to read the file.

This series of serial killings first began a month and a half ago. The first victim was struck to death with a blunt object in an alley near the house in the early morning. The second victim also died of blunt force injuries while going fishing in the reservoir, on a rainy day. The three victims after that all died in remote and unmonitored areas. The cause of death was all blunt weapons, and the crime time was all rainy days. Therefore, the murderer was called a rainy season madman by the public. Due to the heavy rain, the traces of the last four crime scenes were severely damaged, and no usable DNA, fingerprints, and footprints were extracted. At the same time, all five crime scenes lacked surveillance, and the social circles of the five deceased did not overlap. All kinds of circumstances have brought great difficulties to the detection of the case.

Now that a month and a half has passed, the case has been pending, and the citizens are all worried, and they dare not go out on rainy days.

"The lack of evidence and clues is really tricky." The system also commented, "and looking at the preliminary investigation results, the murderer chose a location suitable for the crime without monitoring and then killed randomly, and there is no clue in the investigation of interpersonal relationships. This kind of case is the most difficult to deal with. ."

"I think there are still clues." Lin Yuetian had a different opinion.

"Really? Why didn't I see it?" The system hesitated, wondering if it was because it was too normal to keep up with the mental patient's thinking, or if its brain was really not good enough.

"How should I put it... You are a system, and a pure love version of the system. Maybe you know a little more about love. And I am a killer, a leader in the killer industry. Not only do I have rich experience in the industry, but I also contact I have met many colleagues, and some of them are happy and perverts who charge one person's money to kill each other and become involved in the industry. Therefore, I know these people very well, and my perspective is different from yours. "Lin Yuetian put the The file and the mobile wallet were stuffed into the original briefcase, picked up the jacket from the chair, put it on, and adjusted the tie in front of the mirror.

"I think you have no lack of experience in seeing perverts," the system pointed out grimly. "You can see a fresh, cold-blooded pervert by looking in the mirror every morning, right?"

"Well, after so much together, you still have such a misunderstanding of me, it's really sad, and I have to take these as just a way for you to joke and get into a relationship with me - anyway, go to the police first. Let's go," Lin Yuetian carefully sorted out his appearance, "The original body has a task force meeting this morning in my memory, maybe there will be more clues... Having said that, the original body of this world looks more like me, It's amazing to look in the mirror."

The system expressed doubts: "You look so good-looking?"

"Of course," Lin Yuetian said decisively, "I am very beautiful, otherwise I wouldn't have such a high praise rate."

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