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Chapter 32: Complete business in paranormal events (1)

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When Lin Yuetian woke up this time, he found himself lying in the simple living room of a modern rental house, with blood all over his head and a lot of blood stains on the ground.

"Am I going to die?" Lin Yuetian sat up on the ground and felt it carefully, "It seems to be okay, but why is this body a little weak, has it been hollowed out at such a young age..."

"—Be careful!" In the blink of an eye, the system suddenly shouted.

Lin Yuetian's reaction was not unpleasant. He suddenly flipped on the spot and retreated in place, and the movement speed completely broke through the limit of this somewhat weak body in an instant. Just as he retreated, a kitchen knife landed on the spot where Lin Yuetian had just been, and was deeply embedded in the floor!

"? Why is there a kitchen knife here?" Lin Yuetian was not panicking, but just looked at the ceiling and pulled out the kitchen knife with some doubts.

Quite heavy.

Lin Yuetian flipped the kitchen knife upside down, feeling that this size was considered a self-defense weapon, so he simply took it in his hand. The system sound was quite nervous, obviously worried about Lin Yuetian's safety, which is too rare: "Don't worry about this! Hurry up and leave this room first, go to a sunny place outside, it's very dangerous! I can't be there! Here for you to accept the memory! Let's go!"

Hearing his serious tone, Lin Yuetian didn't seem to be joking, so he followed his kindness and immediately went to the door to try to open it. But the weird thing is that the ordinary security door seems to be welded to death. It can't be opened no matter what, even the door handle doesn't move at all, and it can't turn at all - even more paradoxically, Lin Yuetian can clearly understand He could feel the doorknob he was holding in the palm of his hand getting colder, almost like a block of ice.

At the same time, a more terrifying change occurred: just in front of Lin Yuetian, the whole door was gradually dyed with a thick blood red, as if it had been splashed with human blood. Like a man with heavy bleeding lying on a sponge, the system didn't dare to speak in Lin Yuetian's mind, only the sound of breathing. In just a few blinks of an eye, hair began to pour into the crack of the door! The clumps of thick black, blood-stained hair kept pouring in, like living creatures, struggling to break through this door, rushing into the door, and then devouring all the living creatures!

Lin Yuetian immediately backed away, away from the strange and changing door. He calmly picked up a chair beside him and slammed the window - of course, this room is really weird, all the windows are sealed with wood - he asks himself that he has used his strength, no matter how hard the wood is, how much it should be Shake for a while. But they did not move at all.

At this moment, the door of the room had completely turned blood red, and the pervasive aversion to cold became more and more serious, and Lin Yuetian couldn't help shivering. The hair in the crack of the door seemed to be in a frenzy, and the whole door shook violently, like a candle in the wind-the door seemed to be fully opened at any moment!

In this desperate situation where there is no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, the system has accumulated enough courage (I am afraid that it is also grateful to Lin Yuetian for his repeated challenges to his courage), and shouted: "Come to the house inside and hide!"

But before the system's words were finished, Lin Yuetian had already walked straight to the door, and then suddenly grabbed the door handle, turning a blind eye to the blood-red facade and twisted hair. He slammed the door open and rushed out without looking back.

[MTL]A Professional AssassinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon