"Stop, stop, stop," the system had a hunch, and couldn't listen to him finish, otherwise it must be some kind of mental pollution. He said badly, "There are six genders in this world."

"Six genders?" Lin Yuetian asked curiously, not ashamed to ask, "Is it according to the concentration score?"

"You step on the horse..." The system almost couldn't get up in one breath, "Forget it, it's my fault, it's all my fault for trying to tell you a joke and shake the burden... Let's accept the memory first."

Lin Yuetian had to defend himself a few words. For example, his sense of humor was actually very good, and the memory of the original body poured into his mind.

In addition to men and women, this world also has a set of gender classifications for Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Alphas, both male and female, have a stronger physique and are able to conceive, while Betas are no different from normal men and women in other worlds, and Omegas tend to be more detailed and capable of producing offspring. There are regular susceptibility periods for the two genders, A and O. During the susceptibility period, pheromones are emitted to attract each other. During the susceptibility period, Alpha can mark Omega. Marking is a very serious matter in this world, which is more serious than living together before marriage. Serious, can be basically equated with marriage.

About two centuries ago, human beings suddenly awakened to their spiritual power. With the help of spiritual power, human beings have been able to achieve many things that people could not imagine in the past, such as driving a super mecha, such as walking into the universe. Now two centuries have passed, the territory of mankind has been completely spread between the stars. The greatest belonging of human beings now is the Nas Empire. The biggest enemy of the Nas Empire and all mankind is the ubiquitous alien zerg.

Humans are very weak in front of the Zerg who are naturally good at fighting. They can only rely on mental power to drive mechas to fight against Zerg. It is precisely because of mental power that humans not only do not fall behind, but also have the upper hand in the war with Zerg. Therefore, spiritual power is very, very important to people in this world. The Nas Empire has launched a mental power rating in the whole interstellar space, which is divided into six levels from high to low: S, A, B, C, D, and E.

The original body of this world, Lin Yuetian, was originally a male omega from a remote planet. He was sent to the main star of the Nas Empire to join the army because he magically found a rare S-level spiritual power. Vincent, a high-ranking and noble-born Alpha Admiral, fell in love with Wuzhong for a long time. What I just didn't expect is that this is not a gray boy fairy tale that crosses classes.

Admiral Vincent's true love is actually childhood sweetheart beta baron Sara Garcia. As Admiral Vincent, he can never marry a beta, because this will affect the mental power level of future generations and affect the future of the empire! It is for this reason that Vincent stared at the original body of low birth. So after a war with the Zerg, Vincent secretly performed a transplant operation on the original body, which was seriously injured and recuperating, and transplanted the original body's glands to Baron Sarah. Causes the gland to shrink into beta.

The original body woke up and found that Admiral Vincent and Baron Sarah announced their engagement in a high-profile manner. Realizing that he was betrayed by his lover, and that his spiritual power dropped to A-level after becoming beta, he felt a dark future, burning with anger and grief. Due to multiple factors, he did not survive the recovery period after surgery. After that, Lin Yuetian came.

"The original body has three wishes, one is to retaliate against Baron Sarah; the other is to prevent Admiral Vincent from marrying Baron Sarah, so that the admiral voluntarily holds a wedding known to the empire with himself; the third is to become famous among the stars. ' the system announced in a straight-forward manner.

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