Chapter 4: Complete business in the world of immortality (4)

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During this time, Lushui often left Qingfengmen at a fixed time and went to a clothing store in Xianshi to customize wedding dresses. He went to the supervisor to check every day. Serve. He was born tall, cultivated with talent, and had a good appearance. He always had eyes above his head, and he didn't take the Qingfengmen's ban to heart at all. This gave Lin Yue a good opportunity every day. According to his memory, he had the world's number one calamity-transcending Great Perfection cultivation base, and Lu Shui was able to fit in and complete a perfection, which was a big realm lower than himself, so he beat him by himself. It's like playing.

But Lin Yuetian had other plans.

Early this morning, Lin Yuetian disguised as a Yuan Ying male cultivator and came to the clothing store alone. The boss was dozing off when he heard footsteps and said without raising his head: "Sorry, this store was taken over by the Qingfeng faction Lushuixian, and we won't be accepting other customers for the past few days..."

Lin Yuetian directly raised his hand and slammed into the door of the store. He pointed out **** as fast as lightning, and cast a spell, knocking the boss unconscious and hiding him in the warehouse. Then he turned back into the interior of the store. , there are two bright red wedding dresses that even the monks would be moved by. It's a pity that Lin Yuetian didn't have any artistic germs, he didn't blink his eyes, he immediately pinched his fingers and pinched two exercises, put them on the wedding clothes, and put on the boss's clothes, changing into the appearance of this old monk, disguised well. Breathing, Shi Shiran walked to the counter, sat on the chair that the boss never allowed his apprentices to touch, and fell asleep like a gourd.

The Wind Slashing Sword was put into the mustard bag, and the mustard bag was hidden in his left sleeve. Lin Yuetian rested his chin on his right hand and seemed to be sleepy, but his left arm was taut from his fingertips, ready to go. His eyes seemed to be closed, his eyes fixed on the open door.

"You shouldn't..." The system asked hesitantly, "Will you give him a sword when Lu Shuixianjun comes in?"

"Of course not," Lin Yuetian replied in his mind, "If that's the case, I might as well assassinate in the street. The street is wide and easy to run away."

These conversations didn't last a few words, and the system could see that Lin Yuetian seemed to have entered another state, and he didn't dare to disturb him, so he had to pray in his heart that the development of the mission would not be too outrageous.

Time passed in the afternoon, and the sun gradually slanted. When the first slanted sunlight hit the threshold, a spotless boot stepped in.

"He's here." Lin Yuetian announced in his head.

Heron Narcissus is here. His appearance was like the moon, he was dressed in brocade clothes, with a pearl hanging from his waist, he was imposing and arrogant. Lushuixianjun is such a person with eyes above the top in the original body's memory. He never likes to bring immortal servants or guards, which is not surprising for a great power in the fusion stage. It is a pity that his arrogance will lead to bad consequences today.

Lin Yuetian pretended to be waking up from a dream, stood up with a yawn, and imitated the boss's tone and said diligently, "Oh... Sir Xianchang is here."

Lu Shui gave a light snort in reply, and then asked, "When you visited last time, you promised that the wedding dress would be ready today. What about the wedding dress?"

"Alright, alright... I haven't congratulated Xian Changxian yet!" Lin Yuetian hit the curtain with one hand, and pointed lightly in the direction of the gate with the other hand, using a sound insulation spell, he was a big realm higher than his fiancé, so he wouldn't be noticed, " The wedding dress is inside, please come in."

Lushui walked into the room with her head held high, looked at the two wedding dresses, and said with satisfaction: "Your craftsmanship has always been good."

"Do you want to try on the fairy?" Lin Yuetian put his hands behind him and pointed to a water mirror next to him, "For things like wedding dresses, you still need to fit your heart and mind. Why don't you try it on the fairy?"

"Yes." Lu Shui nodded slightly, pointed his finger at one of the wedding dresses, and the wedding dress flew to him, and a fairy light flickered, almost like a warm dress, and it was put on in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yuetian lowered his body and walked behind Lu Shui to tidy up his clothes. Lu Shui naturally turned his body to face the water mirror and looked at his own appearance in the mirror. In his eyes was the excitement of getting what he wanted. He didn't regret it. The last thing he regretted was the guy who framed Lin Yuetian. He knew that as long as Lin Yuetian was still alive, Shaofeng would never agree with him. He fits. Lu Shui slowly exhaled, and couldn't help but smile: "It really fits-"

His words were cut off, and his smile froze on his face.

Lin Yuetian still bowed and stood behind him, the Wind Slashing Sword appeared in his left hand, and pierced straight from the bottom to the back of Lushui Xianjun.

"Don't panic, my sword is very fast and won't hurt too much." Lin Yuetian said in a gentle tone, saying his usual lines, "Ashes returns to ashes, I am just a killer who is loved by others. Tuo. If you want to find my employer, I don't know if there is a revival in this world—you can find me in the sun, and I can also help you deal with your enemies. In short, your grievances have nothing to do with me."

He spoke very fast and his voice was very soft, it was obvious that Lushui was still alive, and in his mouth it was as if he was dead.

This wedding dress has been cursed by Lin Yuetian, which can block divine power and larger movements. Lin Yuetian actually didn't expect things to be so simple, maybe Lushuixian was too stupid.

The original owner can't even fight this stupidity, isn't it even more stupid...

Lin Yuetian hurriedly shook his head: guilty, he should not criticize the deceased.

[MTL]A Professional AssassinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ