The events of last night flashed in front of him as if he was watching a movie. Sleep and tiredness vanished from his eyes as he licked his now dry lips. He looked around the bedroom searching for any difference.

Everything was at its original place, except her makeup products which used to fill the dressing table and the book she bought for herself kept in the table beside her side of the bed.


Haein untied the cloth which kept him tied to the bed, only to look closer and realize that it was his own scarf which he bought years ago, when both of them celebrated their first Christmas together. He bought this for himself and another one for his girlfriend.

His girlfriend.

Shit again.

He rushed out of the bedroom and towards the living room in hopes of finding her but failed. But he noticed the large photo frame in the middle of the room.

"Is this okay?"

"No, a little left"


"It's titled!!!!!"


"A little right."

"Hey, don't you think you're going a little on me? You said 'left' before!" He whined as he looked over his shoulder and watched as the girl looked at the photo, biting her lower lip as she tried to stop herself from giggling.

Keyword: Tried.

"You did a little tooooo left, idiot." He heard and soon frowned a little, as she laughed loudly. Teasing him was one of her favorite things.

The large photo frame which had the photo of her and him together under the beautiful cherry blossoms, was now half empty.

Yes, half empty. As he was the only one in the photo. Someone, maybe she, cut herself out from the photo.

The realization hit him like a truck.

He ran back towards their bedroom and to the attached bathroom and looked around.

Nothing suspicious other than her toiletries missing.

He searched their wardrobe, only to find her side, which was once filled with pretty skirts and jeans and her cute tops and hoodies and what not, empty.

The rest of his day went by just like that, searching for anything and everything he could find.

Soon, the lights were turned on as the sun set and the moon took its place.


He found nothing.

Not even a single strand of her hair.
Not even her photos which he kept in his phone, she deleted them.
The photos in their photo album suffered the same fate as the photo in the living room. Her face was cut out from every single photo.

The only thing which was left with him was her memories. And he was afraid because he knew that one day, just like her, his memories will also vanish from his life.

He was too dependent on her. She was his life and his source of happiness. The light of his life.
He thought that he would feel sad and angry or miserable but that was not the case.
He felt empty. He felt numb. He could feel nothing.

And that was much worse than feeling miserable.

"DUDE WHAT THE FCK!! YOU FCKIN STINK!!" In sub yelled as he looked at his friend and then later moved his eyes around the house. The house smelled disgusting, as if he was in a club. The smell of beer was too much for the man.

HELLO, ME | HAESOO | ✓Where stories live. Discover now