~The Interview~

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It had been officially a month since Darings passing and today the press was coming for an interview. Cerise had spent the morning getting herself and Griffin ready while everyone else did what they had to do.

At 10 on the dot the interview started.

"Good morning Ever After and welcome back" the host began "Today we are here with the Charming family for an update of the recent events as of a month ago"

The family waved before their host began again.

"We'll start with Cerise" the host gestured "Cerise tell us what it's like without Daring being here"

"I-I it's been rough, i spent a lot of time detaching from everything trying to heal on my own but i realized i couldn't do it alone"Cerise answered

"That's great, what about Griffin"

"He's been ok, he refuses to sleep in his own room, he thinks i'll get lonely"Cerise laughs

"Aww, he's so sweet" she gushed "Tell me, how's this pregnancy coming along since Darings death"

"It was rough for a while but now everything is back to normal and we are slowly getting back into the swing of things"Cerise said

The questions rolled on and on to each family member until it came back to Cerise.

"So Cerise, do you find yourself remarrying anytime soon"

"No" Cerise answered immediately

"Uh that question seems kinda offensive"Dexter said

"I have to agree" Grace said "How dare you ask that"

"It can't be worse than the next question"the host said "Cerise is there someone else that could possibly be an option to father your children"

"My children have a father, one that no man on the face of the earth could replace so now if you'll excuse me, i have more important things to do" said Cerise grabbing Griffin and leaving

The rest of the family followed her out and the press cancelled the entire interview.

"I can't believe they had the audacity to ask you that"Raven said

"It's ridiculous"Peter said

Cerise listened while the others raves about their horrible interview, she had a single thought.

"Lucas, i need the camera footage from the day Daring was shot"

"Yes your majesty"Lucas said rushing out of the room

"What was that about"Darling asked

"The cameras had to have seen who shot him, and if not someone is walking around with murder on their hands"Cerise said

"That's genius"said Darling

Ten minutes later Lucas had returned with the camera footage and as the family watched Cerises suspicions were confirmed.

"I knew it" Cerise said

"I can't believe it"

"Lucas have the guards arrest Duchess Swan for murder"she said calmly "Now"

"Right away Miss"

"Duchess wouldn't do this would she"Raven asked

"Well she did and was getting away with it"Cerise said

"I want her in prison immediately"Grace said angrily

"Yes i'll get the paperwork done"Peter said

Griffin sat in Cerises lap as she shut the video off, she didn't want him to see.

"Mommy, i'm hungry"he said

"Ok let's get some lunch buddy"Cerise said carrying him off

After a long and exhausting day the family finally shut the castle down for the night. Tomorrow was a HUGE day and they needed to be rested.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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