~Tragedy Strikes~

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Today was the day Cerise and Daring were announcing to the kingdom that they were having a second baby.

Once they stepped out of the castle and on to the balcony the crowd roared with excitement. The little family waved to everyone before the guards below calmed them down.

"Good morning everyone, now you might be wondering why we've asked you all to be here and it's because we have an announcement"said Daring passing it on to Cerise

"And that announcement is that we are expecting our second child in December"said Cerise

If the crowd wasn't loud before they definitely were now but all that stopped when they heard a loud noise. A gun shot.

"Daring did you hear that"said Cerise turning to look at him

Cerises world froze. Daring was shot.

"Daring"she screamed

"C-cerise"he groaned

"No, Daring i'm gonna get help ok"she said letting tears flow

"No, i'm not gonna make it, you have to let me go"he said holding her face as she cried

Daring tan his hand down her body and lightly rubbed her stomach and said "Take care of that baby for me and always know that i love you and this baby and Griffin"

And with that, he drew his last breath.

Just then help had gotten there, but it was too late.


It was Darling.

"I'm so sorry"she said hugging her

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