Solution's I Guess

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Apple was sitting in Cerise and Darings new castle library trying to distract herself with a book but it was no use, she was too worried about Sparrow.

"Apple? Whats going on"asked Daring who sleeply walked in

"Well, my mom threatend to hurt Sparrow so I was bringing Magnoila over and I told Cerise what happened and she went to get him"Apple explained

"Oh godmother, why didn't someone wake me"said Daring clearly stressed

"She want to worry you or Griffin"said Apple

So now it was the two of them at four in the morning worrying about their other half being possibly killed and theres nothing they can do.

So now it was the two of them at four in the morning worrying about their other half being possibly killed and theres nothing they can do

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Cerise made her way over to Sparrows house where Snow White was attempting to rip it to shreds. She had to think of something to get her off of Sparrows back and quick.

She chose the simpler way and went to talk to her.

"Your Majesty"said Cerise

"No autographs"said Snow

"I don't want one"said Cerise

This got her attention. Everyone wants an autograph.

"Oh, you're one of my daughter's friends"said the queen

"Yea I am, but you know what else, I'm also Magnoila's aunt and I'd appreciate it if you'd leave my cousin alone"said Cerise sternly

"Thats no way to talk to a queen"said Snow

"Amd this is now way to treat your subjects of only a few more days"said Cerise

"Well I-I I can do whatever I want"said Snow

"Actually law states regardless of who you are, you can still fave charges for destruction of anothers property"said Cerise gaining eye contact

After a long battle, Snow gave in.

"Fine, at least I know Ever After will be in good hands"

And with that she left.

Cerise bolted into the house to see if she could find Sparrow. She found him minutes later in his room in a corner watching the door.

"Sparrow, lets go"said Cerise dragging him out

"I can walk you know"said Sparrow

"I know, but I wanted to act like a hero from a movie"said Cerise

At least Sparrow was safe and Nola still had her dad.

At least Sparrow was safe and Nola still had her dad

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