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                   Since Olivia Antoinette Nott could remember the only thing she wanted more than anything was to make her parents proud, but being part of the sacred 28 wasn't an easy task. Ever since she learned how to talk one of the first words her family taught her how to say was: muggle. Olivia could never forget the sound of her parents voice and how it'll drop a note when speaking with such hatred. So like anyone could imagine it was a miracle that even when she grew up surrounded by a family that more than anything appreciated blood purity and more than anything hated muggles, she was a nice person. Olivia didn't care about a blood status, but the one thing she never could overcome was the need to make her parents proud and that was her curse.

Nott Manor, 1968.

               The Nott manor was white, marble white, with really tall walls and old portraits almost on every one, very long stairs, cold terrains and an even colder inside. The manor was cold, so much that you would think no one lived there, so much that Olivia sometimes joked to herself that it was warmer than her parents.

                The Nott family consisted of Antoni William Nott: her father; Prisha Marie Nott: her mother; and her brother, Thomas Antoine Nott. In the Nott Family there was a costume that said "the children born from a new marriage must take their father's name as their middle", that's how Olivia got stuck with "Antoinette" and her brother with "Antoine".

              Her brother, Tommy, was six years older than her, and he was so brave that she always wished to be like her brother. Many people would argue that Thomas was the reason Olivia wasn't bad, some will say that it was almost like he was the one who raised her.

"You already know it livie, in front of them you have to pretend, make them believe what they want to believe," said Thomas wiping Olivia's tears.

"Its hard, I didn't want to yell at Lina, it was my fault," said a crying Olivia.

"You Livie Nott are a really sweet girl, and I know you love Lina as much as I do, but to our parents she's just the house elf," said Thomas caressing her cheek, "Now, why don't you give me a smile," Olivia wiped her face and smiled.

               Thomas tried really hard. When he learned that he was having a sibling he decided that they wouldn't suffer as much as he had, and from the moment Olivia was born it was his job to make sure she had a nice life. He couldn't argue with their parents but he would make sure that Olivia knew that not everything they said was true. And even though he would teach her to pretend and with that a lot more, the only thing he didn't teach her was that making her parents proud would give her that warm feeling in her chest, that she learn herself and that would be her downfall.

"Olivia, come down right NOW!!," Yelled Prisha Nott from downstairs. Little Olivia always flinched when her mother yelled at her, it was instinct.

"Go Liv, you don't want to make her wait,"said Thomas nodding his head at her and smiling. Olivia smiled, dried the tears that threaten to show, and fixed her dress. She walked out of her room and down the stairs, the first image she saw was her mother standing at the bottom of them tapping her foot impatiently, waiting for her.

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