Timeline #2 - part 2

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Him: *gets up and gets coffee, brushes teeth, and gets dressed* my Dove, where is todays mission?

*robot with the voice of the girl programmed in* It's 49 miles southwest of us. Be safe and careful, my Love. 

Him: *sighs knowing it is not her but comforted by the voice. opens the door and steps out* horrible goodbye, My Dove. 

*robot with girls voice* terrible goodbye, My Love. Remember to tell me about your day!

Him: *chuckles a bit holding back a tear* Why? 

*robot* I wanna hear Aall about it! 

Him: *leaves, hiding face as a tear rolls down his cheek* *in his old musty truck that looks almost camouflage to the surrounding desert wasteland* *wipes his tears and drives out going through the sand as a dust cloud is made by the tires* 

*35 miles later* 

Him: *comes up on a jungle and goes through it in a blue flash* *in a city. His truck is now new, barely dirty with red flames pained on the black truck. full black rims and tinted windows* Hello, 2040. I should be around 12 right now.. *laughs it off and drives through the city to a old skyscraper across from a fairly new one* *goes in and to the 49th floor. sets up his gun after setting down 2 suit cases that unfolded themselves to be automatic motion triggered guns* *aims out the 3rd window* 

Lilian: *is alone but feels staring. looks out the window and straight through the sniper gun* *waves* 

Him: *waves back and takes the shot* 

Lilian: *moves maybe a centimeter left and turns to see a man dead with a gun in hand* *pretends to freak out as people come rushing to see what happened, hiding a thumbs up for him* 

Him: *snickers and gets stuff cleaned up* 


Him: *back in truck going through blue flashes to different places. looks through mirror and sees metallic robots following him, and enclosing fast* *quickly turns to a blue flash and races them through a jungle, desert, grassy farmland, small town, city road. finally not being followed he goes to a small town and parks in a drive way* *the truck is now an older GMC, black with a bit of mud caked on*

2 kids, Her and Him: *playing and climbing the tree in the back yard* Hi Mr! Hello! 

Him: *chuckles a bit and waves* Mornin. *walks past going into the house* Momma. 

Mrs. Thyme: *hugs him and fixes up his hair* oh my baby Boy. I've missed you so. 

Him: you got mini me right outside, Mom. *laughing a tad at her messing with his hair* 

Mrs. Thyme: Yes but you are my baby boy grown up. Can't I miss you, Jake? 

Jake: of course you can, Momma. *hugs her* 

*little kids come running through and to the back yard* 

Mrs. Thyme: Both of you Calm Down! 

Yes Ma'am. Ok, Momma! 

Mrs. Thyme: I'm guessing still missing your Rose, huh?

Jake: Forever, Momma. Forever. 

Mrs. Thyme: *bringing him to the kitchen* alright lets talk about Gabriel now. 

End of chapter 2. 

Time is so brokenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz