Chapter 10

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Tw: swearing, manipulation, possessive behavior, murder, and death

Third person POV

"Fuck..." Tommy mutters as he stands up. He runs up the stairs to wake up Purpled. "Hey Purps I know that your really tired but my family's here." Tommy says urgently. Purpled wakes up and stretches "Alright lets go. I just want to get this over with." Tommy nods and help Purpled up. They both walked down the stairs and target could hear screams coming from the village. "You know I actually don't like this village. I didn't have much of a choice but to move here. Honestly these villagers are a lot worse, they sacrifice children and they tried to sacrifice me." Purpled says. "I'm fucking terrified about how calm you are right now. Even if the villagers were all jerks I would still be fucking panicked." Tommy says. Purpled smiles "I'm honestly to tired to care." Tommy sighs as they walked out of the house. "Hey! Fuckers! I'm right here! I'm fucking safe! You can stop destroying the village now!" Tommy screamed. All of the members paused and looked around. They all shrunk back down to human size and ran over to Tommy. "Tommy you fucking scared us." Wilbur yells hugging Tommy. They all crowd around him and hug each other. "Tommy you little shit! You scared us." Phil says. "Alright I'm sorry. Can you let go now? I can't fucking breath." Tommy says. Everyone lets go and looks around. "So I want to introduce you to my friend that took me. Before you meet him I want you to know that he didn't know that I was safe. He thought that I had been kidnapped and was being held hostage." Tommy says "also we were platonically married in our village. Please don't kill my platonic husband." Tommy runs over to the other boy and throws his arms around him. Purled smiled nervously at the gods that were glaring at him. "Toms I don't think that your family likes me." Purpled says. "Oh don't worry! We just had a bad run in with my last friends." Tommy says happily. "What happened?" Purpled asks with concern. "Tubbo and Ranboo attempted to murder me!" Tommy says, completely unfazed. "Ranboo and Tubbo did WHAT?" Purpled demanded in anger. "Yeah... They attempted to murder me but I'm fine now!" Tommy says. "I genuinely thought that they wanted to be our friends." Purpled muttered. "Nah. They just wanted to kill me." Tommy says happily. "Okay why are you so happy about this?" Purple demands. "I don't fucking know." Tommy exclaims happily. Purpled looked at Tommy in concern "you guys are going to get him help right? This isn't a normal reaction and he genuinely needs help." The group of godly beings all looked at each other. "I mean we were planning on helping him. Then Tubbo and Ranboo came along and then you came along." Fundy says. "I will help Tommy because I care for him but you guys have to help." Purpled says. "Alright. If Tommy trusts you we will give you a chance." Wilbur says.

Everyone had arrived back to the house. "Welcom, Purpled, to our humble abode!" Tommy yells. Purpled laughed a little at Tommy's excitement. Purpled tried to follow Tommy but got pulled back by someone. "Tommy trusts you. If you break his heart or hurt him in any way we will murder you." Someone says darkly. "Wilbur stop." Someone else says "remember what he says because it's true but also know that we are trusting you with Tommy. We are welcoming you into the family but we will gladly kick you out again if you hurt Tommy. Now go and hang out with your platonic husband." The person says happily. Purpled walks over to Tommy and shivers a little. "Sorry about them. They can be a little possessive." Tommy says, smiling sheepishly. "It's fine!" Purpled forced himself to say "it seems like you really like them and as long as your happy, I'm happy!" This time Purpled was actually genuine. Tommy smiled at Purpled before running up to his room. Purpled followed him and the sound of laughter echoed through the halls. The group of people stood at the bottom of the stairs glaring after Purpled. "We have a new challenge!" Wilbur declares. "Why do people keep trying to take our sunshine? He's OURS!" Fundy growls. "I don't know but we have to get rid of him. Tommy has been betrayed to many times. His poor soul has dealt with to much." Wilbur says. "We should get rid of him." Techno agreed. "We have to do it when Tommy's asleep and we can't let him know that we were the ones that killed him. He would never forgive us." Phil says. "Well we should get to work. We have a lot to plan." Fundy points out. Everyone nods and starts to plan.

Tommy woke up to nothing. A ghost was standing in front of him. "Hello?" Tommy asks. The ghost looked vaguely familiar but Tommy couldn't tell who it was. The ghost looked over at Tommy and floated over. "Tommy you have to listen to me carefully. Your family isn't who you think they are. They are far to possessive. It isn't healthy. They killed me because I was platonically married to you. Please remember this message when you wake up. I love you platonically." Purpled says before disappearing. Tommy felt tears spring into his eyes. "This isn't real. This is a fucking dream. It can't be real. He's not dead! He can't be dead!" Tommy sobbed. He could feel someone's presence behind him. He turned around and looked at the woman. "Hello my child. I am Kristen the goddess of death. Phil and I are married." Kristen explains. "Why are you here?" Tommy asks rubbing his eyes. "I want to tell you to not listen to that ghost. He's upset because he died from an accident. He didn't listen to Phil and Wilbur and walked somewhere he wasn't supposed to. He's lying to you and trying to manipulate you." The goddess says. "What? He wouldn't do that to me...right?" Tommy asks in shock. "I'm sorry but this is the truth." The woman says kneeling down. She wraps her arms around Tommy and he sobs into her arms. "I'm sorry I haven't been here for you. I'll try harder my child." The woman whispers as the dream fades. Tommy awoke in his room and he stood up. He ran out of the room and immediately saw Wilbur. "Hey Wilbur!" Tommy says. "Hey Toms. I'm so sorry that I have to tell you this but your friend Purpled was found dead." Wilbur says. Tommy blinks at him as tears sprung into his eyes. "I can't fucking believe that the dream was real. He actually lied to me like that. What else did he lie to me about?" Tommy mutters. Wilbur came up next to Tommy "hey Toms. I know it's difficult but we are here for you." Tommy blinks up at Wilbur before launching himself into his arms. "Purpled visited me in my dream last night. I also got visited by Kristen. I learned that Purpled had been lying to me. He fucking told me that you killed him. I didn't want to believe that he would lie to me but I know that you would never do that to a friend who hasn't hurt me." Tommy says "I feel like it's stupid to believe a dream now. I'm so sorry for wasting your time." "Oh my poor Toms. I'm so sorry that happened. Dead people and Kristen can communicate with people through dreams." Wilbur explains. "Oh. So it was real. Alright. I love you but I think I need some alone time." Tommy says before standing up. "Alright Toms. If you need me you can just call!" Wilbur says before leaving. Tommy sighs and goes back to his room. He starts sobbing but he can feel someone watching him.

Hello humans! I am so sorry for not updating. Some personal things happened and someone in my family passed away. I'm back now though! How are you all doing? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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