Kaylee Douglas

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698k♥️ 100k💬

Kaylee_Douglas: I think he's almost done with my bullshit 😂

@archerofinfamy thank you for putting up with me and my crazy antics 😭❤️❤️


archerofinfamy: You're a little spider monkey you know that 😆 but I wouldn't have it any other way ❤️❤️
>>Kaylee_Douglas: 😘❤️

Viktoria_Klein: You both are way too adorable 😩😭
>>TheEvelynRoe: They are! I can't handle it 😭
>>Kaylee_Douglas: Awww thanks guys 😊❤️ we try our best
>>Viktoria_Klein: Do you guys even fight? 😆
>>archerofinfamy: We literally fought before this picture because I apparently took the last Oreo 😂
>>Kaylee_Douglas: Because you did!!!
>>TheEvelynRoe: Awww they're cute fighting 🥹 Vik it's so precious
>>Viktoria_Klein: I know! My heart can't take it 😩

ThreeCheersPodcast: ❤️❤️❤️ Best couple!

WWE: 😭❤️ Too adorable

cody_nolove: I see the argument techniques worked 😆
>>archerofinfamy: Yes they did 😂
>>WWERollins: See I told you 😆 works every time
>>Viktoria_Klein: Hold on, what do you mean? Since when do you guys talk without us?
>>InZayn: You girls have your Starbucks dates, we have our workout sessions 😆
>>Kaylee_Douglas: Since when?!
>>WWERollins: It was Cody's idea 😆
>>Viktoria_Klein: Cody!
>>cody_nolove: What I don't see the issue 😂 you girls have your girl time
>>Viktoria_Klein: But that's expected!!!!! Guys don't talk and give each other advice!!!
>>cody_nolove: Well we do 😆
>>Kaylee_Douglas: What do you guys even talk about? 😆
>>archerofinfamy: You know, guy stuff 😂 and we held each other out dealing with you guys
>>InZayn: Should we tell them of the recent development?
>>Viktoria_Klein: 😱 What recent development?
>>TheEvelynRoe: YOU BETTER!!!
>>cody_nolove: Well now we kind of have to 😂😂 it's more of a group chat topic
>>Viktoria_Klein: I'M MAKING IT NOW!!!
>>WWERollins: Finns gonna kill you 😆
>>TheEvelynRoe: ITS ABOUT FINN?!?!?!?
>>InZayn: Way to go Rollins 🤣
>>WWERollins: I'm sorry! It just came out 😆
>>Viktoria_Klein: GROUP CHAT NOW!! All of you! 😡
>>cody_nolove: Yes ma'am

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