Roman Reigns

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Seth 🤡: So what's your problem?

Roman: My problem? You've got to be joking

Seth 🤡: What I'm not a god damn mind reader, what is it?

Roman: You went after Evelyn!

Seth 🤡: So? She's single and has been for years. I didn't do anything wrong just because you dated her once doesn't mean you have a claim on her for life

Roman: You knew how much I loved that girl and how I wanted to get back with her! I told you that after we all went out when Phoenyx, Kaylee and Vik started hanging out with us

Roman: But no you had to sweep in and take her didn't you? I thought you changed I thought you were my brother

Seth 🤡: I am your brother Roman! But I can't help how I feel about her. I'm not going to put my feelings behind so you can have her. Not again.

Roman: Again what do you mean again?

Seth 🤡: I had a thing for her before you and her even started dating! But I put my feelings aside as soon as you wanted her! I was the good brother!

Roman: Bullshit I know you Rollins! You're just saying this to save your own ass. I don't want to hear about it anymore 🙄

Roman: You already lied to her about me being okay with you guys being together I want to know how long before you start lying about where you are and who you're with

Seth 🤡: I lied because she didn't want to fuck up things between us. I thought you wouldn't have cared you hadn't made a move on her

Seth 🤡: Thanks for the low blow by the way 🖕 that's not gonna happen with her.

Roman: Sure it won't


Sami 👨‍🦰: Are you and Seth really fighting?

Roman: Yeah he's being an asshole. I had told him  that I wanted Evelyn back at that party and he took her from me

Sami 👨‍🦰: How come you didn't try to go after her then after the party?

Roman: I don't know I was scared. I know we broke up on good terms but I'm now even a bigger star then I was when we got together. My schedule is busy all the time and I don't want to put her through that again

Sami 👨‍🦰: Shit sorry Roman

Sami 👨‍🦰: How about you come with me and Finn, Vik, and Phoenyx to the gym? Takes your mind off of things at least

Sami 👨‍🦰: Are you going to try to break them apart?

Roman: Sure I'll come. And no I'm not that kind of guy. She seems happy with him so I'm going to let her be happy.. It's not about me

Sami 👨‍🦰: You're a better guy then Drew at least 😆

Roman: Hey! That's not saying much asshole 😂🖕 he's like the bottom of the barrel right now

Sami 👨‍🦰: Nah that's Noam 😆 Anyways pick you up soon Tribal Chief!


Evelyn ❤️‍🩹: Hey what was that in the comments? You and Seth okay?

Roman: Yeah don't worry about it, just had a bit to drink and got carried away

Roman: Eve does he make you happy?

Evelyn ❤️‍🩹: Yeah he does... Look I have a feeling that you're not as okay with me being with him as you told me

Roman: I'm not happy about it no. But I'm not going to stand in the way of your happiness. I'm not a piece of shit Evelyn

Evelyn ❤️‍🩹: 🥺 Roman..... I don't know what to say

Roman: Don't say anything, enjoy your relationship 😆 but if he hurts you I'm going to kick his ass

Roman: Anyways I'm going to the gym with Sami, Phoenyx, Finn, and Vik. Apparently Viks bringing her gym boy

Evelyn ❤️‍🩹: 😱😱😱😱 YOU BETTER TELL ME WHO IT IS!

Roman: 😂😂 I'll try to sneak a picture for you

Evelyn ❤️‍🩹: You're the best!!! ❤️❤️

Roman: 😂 I know

*You changed the contact to Evelyn 💔*

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