Phoenyxs texts

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Phoenyx: Morning baby ♥️ hope you're having a good day text me when you're up 🥰 I'm excited to FaceTime later
Seen at 4:57pm

Baby 😍🔒: Morning babe sorry I didn't see this until now 😭 I was training with the boys this morning

Phoenyx: No problem 😊 are you
still able to FaceTime later when I'm in the hotel after the show?

Baby 😍🔒: Sorry baby I wish I could but I've got a house show to go to to promote my next fight

Baby 😍🔒: I promise I'll make it up to you!

Phoenyx: Jay you said that last time...

Baby 😍🔒: I know I know I've just been super busy

Phoenyx: I know 😆 what about
Wrestlemania week? Did you manage to get it off?

Baby 😍🔒: I tried babe but New Japan doesn't want me there. They don't want me seen at a WWE event when so many rumours are swirling that I'm going there

Phoenyx: Couldn't you say
you're just going to support
your girlfriend? I mean I've gone to so
many of your big shows yet they've never had a problem.

Baby 😍🔒: I tried that but they weren't having it

Baby 😍🔒: Couldn't you just take that week off and we can just spend it together?

Phoenyx: No I can't, it's literally
the most important week of my career.
I'm hosting the Hall of Fame Red carpet
and I'm one of the main ring announcers for the Wrestlemania matches

Phoenyx: How come I always come
to your big shows and big moments of your career but you can never make it to mine?

Baby 😍🔒: It's just fate being cruel babe I guess, I wish I could be there. Listen I've gotta go the club wants to get food but I'll text you before bed tonight 😘 love you

Phoenyx: Love you too babe. Have fun..


Vik 💖☕️: So final verdict if Jays coming????

Phoenyx: He's not... apparently New Japan isn't letting him come

Vik 💖☕️: That's such a bullshit excuse... New Japan guys come all the time to Wrestlemania.. The Bullet Club members came to support AJs debut!

Phoenyx : Well that's what he said..

Vik 💖☕️: He's a bastard. It's not fair how you go out of your way to go see him and be with him yet he doesn't show you the same respect

Phoenyx: I know, I'm starting to get tired putting all this effort in when he doesn't put in any anymore. ... Like tonight he and I were supposed to FaceTime and he's going out to dinner instead... He even wanted me to ditch Wrestlemania week and take it off to spend with him.

Vik 💖☕️: You're not gonna do that are you?

Phoenyx: No of course not! This is the biggest opportunity of my career so far

Phoenyx: I don't know ever since Finn and I have been driving together on the road and hanging out more he's been like this. He's even been trying to get me a job in Japan to always be with him

Vik 💖☕️: Sounds to me that he's jealous of Finn

Phoenyx: Why would he be? Me and Finn are just friends

Vik 💖☕️: You guys do act like a couple though. Even Cody thought you guys were dating when we all went to the gym together

Phoenyx: Did he? Even if I was single I wouldn't date Finn that's your ex

Vik 💖☕️: Nyx we broke up because we realized that we were ten times better as friends 😆 I wouldn't care if you wanted to date him. Besides I wouldn't blame you he's hot as shit

Phoenyx: Vik! 😳 Stop it 😂

Vik💖☕️: I'm being honest 😂😂 Do you want me to ask if he likes you?

Phoenyx: Even if you did I don't want to know. I don't want to bring him into my relationship drama and I'm not going to cheat on Jay

Vik💖☕️: He's cheated on you before and it seems by all his excuses he's doing it again

Phoenyx: Vik don't put that in my head... that's the last thing I need

Vik💖☕️: By that reaction something tells me you've already been thinking about it.. but I'll stop you're right it's not fair

Phoenyx: Let's change the subject 😆 how are you a Cody

Vik💖☕️: I'm punching myself in the face for putting up with Noams shit for so long 😆😭 Cody's already asked to come to the Hall of Fame with me and we're going on a date tonight!!!

Phoenyx: AW VIK!!! 🥹 That's amazing! I'm hoping he officially asks you out tonight! I saw the way he was looking at you during our gym hangout he was smitten girl!

Vik💖☕️: Don't give me anymore butterflies girl! Im already dying from this man 😭😭

Phoenyx: I'm m glad things are going good for you girl!

Vik💖☕️: Thanks! It's about damn time 😂 hopefully things get better for you too

Vik💖☕️: Just saying Irish guys are great in bed 👀😂

Phoenyx: VIK!!! 😳

Vik💖☕️: Just sayinggggggg 😂😂😂

Phoenyx: I'm going to kill you 😂😂😂

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