Jisung wanting to be closer still, began cuddling himself into Minho's side. Minho flinched slightly at the surprise contact and then smiled at Jisung's cat like behavior. "I-It's so cold!" Jisung said, thinly veiling his desire for skinship. Minho brought his arm from off of the couch to wrap around Jisung's shoulders bringing him even closer in as he said "That's because your hair is still wet, here, I'm always hot so I can share some of my body heat." Jisung's heart beat faster as he got bolder too and draped his hand over Minho's stomach. "You are hot." Jisung said. Silence fell over the room as Jisung realized how that sounded. "Like your body is hot... I mean like temperature! Like I can feel the heat coming through your shirt!" Jisung said panicking. Minho chuckled as he said "I knew what you meant." Jisung sighed loudly as he rested his hand back on Minho's lower stomach. As they watched TV both of their minds were racing but in different directions. Jisung thought to himself 'This is normal right? I don't have much experience with close friends but snuggling like this while we watch TV is... not a big deal... right?' Meanwhile Minho thought 'Shit. Shit. Shit. Going comando in these sweatpants was not a good idea. His hand is dangerously close right now! His pinky finger is literally draped across the waistband! Think about other things Minho. Literally anything else. Definitely don't think about the dildo you saw in his drawer earlier and what that means. Shit now I'm thinking about it!'

      It only got later and later and the rain was still coming down. Jisung sat up as he said "I'm getting tired and it's still pouring outside, do you want to just stay the night?" "Really? You would be okay with that?" Minho asked. "Sure, you could sleep here on the couch. Unless you want to sleep in my bed?" Jisung said. Minho gulped hard. "And I could sleep here on the couch." Jisung added. "Right. Uh no I'm fine with the couch." Minho said. 'I keep misunderstanding everything he says. Its like my mind hears what it wants to hear. I need to stop confusing my fantasy with reality.' Minho thought. Jisung brought out a pillow and blanket for Minho and went to go sleep in his room. Minho lied awake thinking about Jisung in the next room. He couldn't understand how his heart could long so much for someone that he barely knows. Jisung also lied awake thinking about how fast he had opened up to Minho and how easy and comfortable it was with him. They both didn't fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning.

       When they finally did wake up the next day it was late into the afternoon. Jisung came out to see Minho sitting up on the couch, still half asleep. "Man, I never sleep in that late." Minho said groggily. "This is normal for me." Jisung said. "Since you are already here, did you want to work on our project? The due date is in like a week and we still haven't nailed down the lyrics or recorded our parts yet." Jisung added. 'The project will be over next week.' Minho thought as the realization set in that their time as project partners was coming to an end. He couldn't help but worry if that would be the end of their connection with one another. Without the project there, would Jisung even still want to spend time with him? "Yeah we can work on the project but I think I should shower first if you don't mind lending me another pair of clothes. I swear I will wash everything before I return it!" Minho said. "It's fine, I don't mind. Here I will find you some more clothes that will actually fit." Jisung said as he led Minho to his bedroom. He got another shirt and sweatpants from his drawers before wondering if he should also lend him some boxers too. He opened up the top drawer to see if he should and immediately saw the dildo. He slammed the drawer shut so fast. "L-last night you didn't borrow any of my boxers from this drawer right?" Jisung stuttered.

      Minho gathered all of his strength to keep a straight face as he replied "Uh no, I figured it might be weird to borrow your underwear." "Right. Then you didn't open this drawer at all?" Jisung asked. Minho shook his head no because he knew if he said it out loud he would probably laugh and give away that he was lying. Jisung sighed with relief and laughed nervously as he said "Ok good, uh are you ok with just wearing these then?" "Yeah sure." Minho said taking the clothes and going to go shower. When he came out Jisung was already at his music set up working on the last bit of lyrics for their project. Minho went to sit next to him and began writing his own lyrics. After a few minutes, Minho glanced over to the bed behind them and couldn't help thinking about how easy it would be to pick Jisung up, throw him on the bed and just ravish him. 'Unless he prefers to top... I can see it, sometimes it's the quiet ones who surprise you.' Minho thought. He began to sweat as he then imagined Jisung taking him on the bed right there instead. "Did you finish your lyrics?" Jisung asked bringing Minho out of his fantasy. Minho cleared his throat as he looked down at his half written lyrics. 'Focus Minho! Get your mind out of the gutter!' Minho thought.

       "Can I actually show you something? I recorded a bit of the part I wrote, I want to see what you think of it." Jisung said as he pulled up a track on his computer. Jisung played a snippet of his part for their song 'Ice Americano'. "What? This is you?! You can rap?? I never would have guessed that." Minho said. "Yeah I actually write a lot of rap but I don't know if it sounds any good..." Jisung said. "You sound so cool! Wait... there's more? Show me!" Minho said excitedly. "I don't know... maybe another time. Let's finish our lyrics today first." Jisung said shyly. "Well I think the little bit of rap being in our song will make it so fun." Minho said. After they finished writing all the lyrics they didn't have any more time to listen to more of Jisung's songs so they decided to put it off for another day. Now all that was left was recording and then their project would be finished. Minho's parts of the song had been delayed almost every time because he was often distracted by his feelings for Jisung but deep down he also knew that he was stalling. He wanted to prolong their time together as much as he could.

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